Comments on: Level 5 Rooftop Restaurant at Hotel Chaco – Albuquerque, New Mexico Follow the Culinary Ruminations of New Mexico's Sesquipedalian Sybarite. 1,434 Restaurant Reviews, More Than 14,400 Visitor Comments...And Counting! Fri, 06 Dec 2024 23:36:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lynn G Fri, 06 Dec 2024 23:36:55 +0000 In reply to Gil Garduno.

I’m sure everyone has their own idea about what “cheap eats” means but for me it’s a question of how far does a $20 bill go. Today I was in a situation where I needed something quick and I settled on Jason’s Deli. Yes it’s a chain, but kudos to them for being one of the first to eliminate processed and artificial ingredients from their food including the bane of my existence, high fructose corn syrup. I snagged a bowl of soup and two salads for a little over $20. The bowl seemed small when I took it out of the bag, however after eating it with the bread they provided I was surprisingly quite satisfied. Plus it was tasty. This isn’t a promotional post by any means! Just enjoying this discussion and thought I’d throw another data point your way.

By: Gil Garduno Mon, 02 Dec 2024 17:11:46 +0000 In reply to Deflation sucks….

Aaargh! That’s been my experience at LotaBurger as well. Back when you and I were growing up and visiting the LotaBurger in EspaƱola, the burger was roughly the size of a UAP (formerly known as UFO).

Shrinkflation is hitting everyone. Duke City BBQ’s two meat platter (which includes one side) wouldn’t fill a hummingbird. Portions there used to be almost too much for any one person.

By: Deflation sucks... Mon, 02 Dec 2024 17:06:53 +0000 In reply to Gil Garduno.

We call it shrinkflation in our household…LotaBurgers are the prime example of this trend. A couple of years ago, I was literally cursing out the restaurant staff for giving me someone else’s order, for I assumed I was given Itsaburgers instead. Glad this was a takeout order and my cursing was only heard by my family members…when my sister let me know, that indeed those were the correct burgers…

We tend to just get double meat Itsaburgers now…cheaper and pretty much the same amount of food…
