Famed tenor Luciano Pavarotti once said, “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.”
Hola! I’m Gil Garduño. Welcome to Gil’s Thrilling (And Filling) Blog. I chose the site vanity “nmgastronome” because it truly reflects my passion for the cuisine of the Land of Enchantment–and hopefully describes the level to which my palate has evolved after having visited and evaluated more than 1,000 restaurants in the past ten years or so.
Gastronome – A connoisseur of good food; someone with a refined palate; a person devoted to refined sensuous enjoyment (especially good food and drink); an epicure.
In this blog’s nomenclature, there is hopefully an implicit reflection of the continuous improvement of this Web site. In the past ten years, this site has evolved from a rudimentary HTML version of an Excel table to a site in which you could find detailed, one-page reviews of many of your favorite restaurants in New Mexico. This blog is the latest in the evolution of Gil’s Thrilling (And Filling) Site.
When we moved back to New Mexico on May 15, 1995, our first priority wasn’t where to live, but where to eat. Having been away for the better part of 18 years, there were so many old favorites with which to reacquaint ourselves and so many exciting new prospects we just had to try. By year’s end, we had visited 75 different restaurants.
As a chronic “compiler of lists” (a consequence of being meticulously organized) I began using an Excel spreadsheet to track the various restaurants we visited. That rudimentary spreadsheet included short “Zagat style” comments intended to serve as mnemonics that triggered what we liked or didn’t like about a particular restaurant. Sometimes those comments were so cryptic that they meant something only to me (pretty much as intended).
In 1995, the internet was in its relative infancy, but I applied my then rudimentary HTML skills to create a Web site in which to enter my musings. Though the format lent itself to tracking restaurant visits much better than a spreadsheet ever could, it somehow didn’t dawn on me that my reviews would be available to anyone savvy enough to use a search engine. It didn’t take long before Gil’s Thrilling Web site was “discovered.”
I was privileged enough to have been mentioned on Roadfood.coma few years ago. Here’s what Michael and Jane Stern of Gourmet magazine and roadfood.com had to say about this Web site: We came across a delightful website called Gil’s Thrilling Web Site, written and maintained by Gil Garduño. It’s mostly about good Roadfood-type eating, especially in Albuquerque, and it is a joy to browse. We recommend a visit!
I’ve been mentioned on Chowhound more times than I can count and in the past two years (2007-2008), I’ve also spent some time on the phone with Food Network researchers, advocating for New Mexico’s culinary scene.
While recognition from respected local and national publications seems to give my site a modicum of validation, the biggest kick I get is in getting e-mail from adventurous diners who visit my site. I hear most often from newcomers to the Land of Enchantment who have used my reviews to discover New Mexico’s restaurants, but appreciate e-mail just as much from lifelong New Mexico residents who recommend restaurants I may not even have heard about.
So, what qualifies me to review and write about restaurants? I have no “professional training” that qualifies me to discern the subtle nuances inherent in various foods, nor am I by trade or practice, a professional chef. I’m merely a gastronome, someone who loves and appreciates good food…and dining at nearly 1000 different restaurants since 1995 should give a modicum of credence to my opinion–but no more credence than YOU have.
Unlike the pretentious pundits who wax poetic about the latest epicurean trends in the culinary world (those who would, for example, describe a meal at McDonald’s as a “gustatory repast in the ubiquitous Scottish restaurant emblazoned with saffron ellipses”), I’m not particularly impressed by nouveau cuisine, the very pronunciation of which reeks condescension. I’m an ordinary guy who likes to eat good food at reasonable prices and expects to be treated relatively well while doing so.
Unlike some food critics (pictured), I don’t blindly acquiesce to the latest trend, turn a deaf ear to recommendations from people who don’t tread the well beaten path, and I don’t hold back in criticizing–if warranted–the “anointed” restaurants frequented by the nouveau riche.
I’ve been lucky enough to have traveled extensively and availed myself of the opportunity to partake of the finest local cuisine available in such hotbeds of culinary presentation as San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston, Chicago, and Las Vegas (yes, Sin City where all the celebrity chefs go).
Please review my rating system which explains how I arrive at my ratings. It’s not exactly scientific and I don’t take into account anyone else’s opinion of the restaurants in which we dine, not even the opinion of my faithful dining companion and wife Kim whose palate has matured tremendously over the years. Your opinions may certainly differ as there are no rights and wrongs in my ratings, just opinions–mine.
This Web site lists only restaurants I’ve visited this century (since January 1st, 2000). I have deleted the short synopses of restaurants (such as the dreadful Chinese buffet restaurants in Albuquerque) I have no intention of ever visiting again. I also eliminated most reviews on corporate chain restaurants, partially in the spirit of “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” </span
As much as possible, my reviews will begin to incorporate images of the restaurants we visit. Mastering HTML has been easier for me than remembering to remove my camera’s lens cover before I shoot a picture. Fortunately, much better photographers than I have shared some of their wonderful images. The photo of the Sugar Nymphs Bistro in Peñasco, for example, is courtesy of the brilliant Deanna Nichols
While I know “we” abhor the Fasties/The Chains, I know some of Y’all have indulged out of curiosity, let alone have become a closeted Fastie for at least one! As such, most revered Thrillist is giving us our chance to Vote in their first-ever Fast Food Awards to be seen on 2/19 @ noon ET on Youtube. Scroll down here https://tinyurl.com/vnbtfr6 beyond the categories to the category voting section.
As an added bonus (and that’s bologna!) and as I’ve not read anyone herein bring us the scoop on the hottest new sandwich…think NOLO based for now…catch the vid as ya scroll down!
Any “To Die For Picks” in Scottsdale. Going down in January to drool at the High End Car Auctions, over multi million dollar cars that I will never own. I’ve got a “must” for Bianco’s.
Any ideas from anyone?
Jeff, you didn’t mention any particular kind of restaurant in Scottsdale so I’ll take a flyer on this. I subscribe to food writer John Mariani’s newsletter on line and today, he provided reviews on a few Scottsdale places that sound promising – at least for folks who can afford million dollar cars: http://www.johnmariani.com/current-issue/index.html.
If you’re looking for casual, you can’t get any more so than Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives places. Many of them were visited quite a while ago so I’d check to make sure they’re still open and if they’re getting good reviews: https://www.dinersdriveinsdiveslocations.com/arizona-locations.html.
Did you see the response from “Bob Pizzaman” under Guelaguetza? That’s Bob Yacone, owner of Forghedaboudit in Deming. It appears he has the impression you’ll be in Deming this coming week?
Thanks Becky
For a while I was getting these blogs several times a day, on all different subjects. Now I don’t hardly get any. What should I do?
I’m embarrassed to admit, that this is the first time in my life that I’ve ever posted on a blog.
Hi Jeff: It could be the nature of your email provider. I use Gmail and most of the time, the blog emails to which I subscribe show up in “All Mail” versus “Inbox” because I don’t include the blog site in my email address book. I just navigate the menu side on email to choose “All Mail” and they pop up. Sometimes, they even show up under “Trash”.
Hi Becky,
Long time- I can’t figure out how I lost being able to kibitz on the blog site. it was a new experience for me, and I got a kick out of it.
Scottsdale was fun- What’s not to like in January. We tried one of Mariani’s picks- (Fat Ox) Overall, it was good. The decor left something to be desired. No elegant booths- Just molded plastic seats with metal legs that you’d find in a Junior H.S. Some of the food was killer, but Skimpy portions , and quite pricey. The Calabrian Shrimp app was superb, But- we only got 3 for $18.00,
Very unusual (and tasty pasta- Rosso Crest di Gallo- yes, pasta was shaped like a a rooster’s comb. I think that it had strawberry in it. It was chewy in a pleasant way. The owner was nice enough to treat us (anniversary) to a pre dinner glass of Prosecco and a deconstructed Tiramisu, that was memorable.
We tried Bianco’s temple of pizza on 22nd (?). It was good (8.5 on Ana & Jeff’s Restaurant Richter scale). We were there for the Barrett Jackson Collector Car Auction. It’s probably the largest in the world. We took Lyft there and back each of the three days that we attended. 2 days would have been enough (Friday & Saturday. On our way home we had a driver who was very friendly and chatty. She had a favorite Sushi place that she had been going to for 20 years. She asked if we minded if she stopped, at no extra charge. I’m not as knowledgeable on Sushi as I am other cuisines, but we got 4 rolls that were generous and reasonably priced- for $35, and took it back to our hotel and opened a bottle of wine that we had brought. Delicious- Sakana Sushi -on Hayden Road. Not a fancy showplace for tourists. just an honest neighborhood joint. Generous with ingredients like crab (with a C) , shrimp, soft-shell crab, and crunchy California roll.
Barrio Betty- The name brought me in, but another fancy overpriced place for Gringos- In all fairness- very good food, but small portions
We did find a jewel operated by real Gumbas from the old country. Atmosphere- meh, but cute enough for lunch. The owners have lots of friends and if you’re not known (or a native Italian speaker) you’re not treated in a very friendly way. NOW- Why do I mention it? Apart from these minor gripes, which for us, is always secondary to the food. , Some of their food is EXQUISITE (not a term used lightly) and VERY VERY rarely encountered, unless you’re at Di Paolo in Little Italy (the are is hackneyed and overwhelmingly commercialized, compared to what it was in the 70s). Di Paolo’s maybe the best homemade Italian Cheese and sausage store in the U.S.) Or maybe Peck, in Milano.
How about a GREAT Porchetta sandwich for around $11?????? I told the owner that was why I had come. Also great dish of grilled Calamaretti (baby squid) grilled in garlic and olive oil. I didn’t have to fight with Ana for the curled up legs (best part (small portion)- again priced at $11 or $12.
While waiting, we asked for bread (no butter) but oil. We’d rate this bread at 9.6. Naturally they made it in house. For desert we shared a slice of Cappuccino cake (should have gotten my own- although it was a a nice portion- Oink, Oink).. The cake, I’d rate at 9.4. We’re rarely so free with stratospheric ratings. In our week, we hit it 3 times- Open 7 days- lunch and dinner-ANDREOLI’S on E. San Marco Dr.
Pizza Bob couldn’t have been nicer. we didn’t make it , as we took a different way home, and were anxious to see our kids- One dog, and 2 horses. instead I sent my long time Roadtrip Eating partner. Once upon a time (12 years ago, maybe) without wives or girlfriends- we spent at least 8 days cutting a wide eating swath across New Orleans and then Cajun Country. BRAD is a giant of a man, so we had to rent aBig Ass caddy (it was either that, or a pick up truck). we spent some time with him and his very nice wife, Karen in Scottsdale. He sold his company and bought a huge fifth wheel and leaves his home in Denver when it cools off and spends 3 months or so in warm climes. Brad is very outgoing, so if you put him in a place for 30 minutes with 20 strangers, he & Karen would have made friends with 6 of them)
So Brad& Karen represented me well in Deming. He said that Bob treated him like a king. Dream on, right, but we’d love to see him in Albuquerque.
We are celebrating a 70th Birthday soon, and can’t come up with a single great idea in ABQ for a special dinner. Gil’s site offers little in the way of ideas. No fault of his, it’s just that there aren’t any in town that have dazzled us.
Since you’re familiar with restaurants ALL over the U.S.- Come up with a gem for us
Hi Jeff:
Welcome back! It’s great to see you posting again. I haven’t been traveling at all over the last several years so I’m pretty rusty on restaurants these days. Like you and Ana, I have “kids” – now down to one dog and two cats – all getting up there in years and impossible to leave.
With regard to your quest for a place to dine for a special occasion like a 70th birthday, I was looking through a host of reviews and I’m wondering if you’ve been to Restaurant Antica in Old Town? It’s consistently rated between 4.5 and 4.8 out of 5 and it looks like a place I’d choose for quality of food, service and atmosphere. There’s nothing truly revolutionary on the menu but sometimes, you might just want to opt for quality over a new taste discovery. I’m not a big eater but like you, I’m always annoyed by skimpy portions accompanied by large tabs and their portions look to be ample. I’d be all over that Henry IV filet mignon. Here’s a link to their menu: https://antiquityrestaurant.com/menu.
If that doesn’t fit the bill, give us an better idea of what you’re looking for and Gil or somebody who reads Gil’s Thrilling should be able to come up with something for you. I’ll keep looking, too, but I’m not sure you’re going to find what you’re looking for in ABQ even though there’s a lot of great food there. Also, if you go to the top of Gil’s home page and click on “ABQ Restaurant Index” and then scroll down to “Fine Dining” you’ll see some other possibilities.
Now about your trip to Scottsdale – I’m green with envy. I bet the Barrett Jackson auction was great. I’d be surprised if John Mariani really approved of the furnishings at Fat Ox but school cafeteria decor seems to be a trend these days. I looked up that Rosso Crest de Gallo which sounds wonderful – they make with red wine, dandelion greens, duck sausage, mushrooms and huckleberries. Rooster’s crest pasta is one of many fun-shaped and named Italian pastas and it’s designed to be served with hearty and chunky sauces.
Was it Andreoli Italian Grocer that you went to? If so, I can see why you loved the food. It was featured on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives and every time I see that episode, I swoon over the food. If you go to their web site and scroll down, you can watch the D D & D show: https://www.andreoli-grocer.com/
I must say that l’m shocked to hear you weren’t treated in a friendly manner – although the chef / owner sounds just like the old Italian restaurateurs we all grew up with in the East, most of them were always welcoming. Their porchetta sandwich with garlic and fennel sounds outrageous. As for that cappuccino cake – WOW! – you sent me on a search for a recipe and I intend to try it very soon.
Have a great weekend, Jeff.
Dang it! Ms Becky, ya beat me to a place that no amount of my cajoling that I have done has gotten our Food/Restaurant Maestro there…it’s like a tradition now! So Jeff, dittos RE Ms Becky and Antiquity: Hope this https://tinyurl.com/wpax5v7 works (where scrolling ya see Bob C.) which shows my most recent write-up. As noted at the end, but not described, here’s a note for Newbies to Gil’s blog: Henry IV is a classic, indulgent presentation. Picture artichoke leaves splayed in a circle on a plate atop which is placed a superb…in taste and cookery…Filet, atop of which is placed the crown being the artichoke heart. All is drizzled, much like a cape, with Bearnaise Sauce. I’ve never, in 30 or more years been disappointed. Full Disclosure: one daughter refuses invitations as she doesn’t think they dust some plastic plants often enough!Elsewhere, while I haven’t been in quite awhile, per Gil: https://www.nmgastronome.com/?p=371 or https://www.nmgastronome.com/?p=161 (Only 22 leisurely minutes from the Big I) For a more exotic evening…hop the RailRobber (with some flasks of wine) and then Uber to the Mansion…while it is 2 blocks under a mile, I wouldn’t recommend walking per the vagaries of our weather. Check with Uber first about its availability in Los Lunas. Whoa! I didn’t know this: the street it is on is part of Route 66’s Pre-1937 path!Needless to say, I’d make reservations for all.
Elsewise, let us raise a glass and say Salud and enjoy https://tinyurl.com/nrccbsb
BTW, IF it is just a luncheon birthday fete you have in mind, ya can’t beat my old hack: https://www.nmgastronome.com/?p=261
Hey Bob ! I was hoping you’d give Jeff a few recommendations. Regarding Restaurant Antica: sorry to have stolen your thunder. I know you’ve been after Gil for ages to check it out.
I was also considering your other suggestion for Rancher’s Club but forgot about Luna Mansion which is supposedly haunted? It does appear that a lot of fine dining in ABQ and vicinity is at steak houses – well, we’re talking about Western dining, after all. I’m wondering about the quality of fish and seafood at these restaurants? I’ve seen a few less than complimentary reviews of the latter entrees but most folks seem to go for the ever-popular beef or pork chops, often accompanied by nice sauces. The serving sizes sure can be pretty huge and likely deliver good value for the prices charged.
Yo Becky…Seafood in ABQ? As I’ve probably said, pardon, my “expertise” or “fine dining FAVs” are Fish n Chips, Lobstaah Rolls (mayo type) and Fried (Strip) Clams and an occasional Seafood Boil as a “social event”…LOL I would enjoy caviar; iotas of anchovy, e.g. on a pizza. I shocked a G-daughter just last eve by telling her they are in her Caesar’s Salad she was having.
I have the perennial can of sardines in my larder which I plan to use per sauteing shrooms in buttery garlic for some Angel Hair or a salmon plank. I abhor slimmy oysters, might gulp one mussel out of politeness, never choose scallops and have never done did a whole lobstaah!
Gil has noted https://tinyurl.com/v5s5csy how venues have tried to hook ABQ on seafood. There used to be a small Nantucket Shoals Seafood Market next to Trombinos (and opposite the razed Seagull Street) and the son(?) was going to open a place after his mother died(?) just a few years ago, but that never happened. Elsewise, I thought it pricey.
Say, per your furry friends: it is only “a day trip” https://tinyurl.com/taxyy32 to the best Fried Clams, and inventor thereof, for you to mosey to https://tinyurl.com/umphrlw The “best” here are at a Long John’s Silvers!!! as Red Loster’s are only fried batter. Yes, RL has Rolls and like Charlie Brown https://tinyurl.com/sweaecx , I get sucked into having one every once in awhile.
Hi Gil, Is there an Abq. restaurant that serves latkes ( potato pancakes ) for breakfast ? The last 2 years, I searched for this at Hanukkah, but struck out.
I don’t know of any restaurants in Albuquerque that serve latkes, however, the ABQ NoshFest event in January, 2020 will probably include them.
When Nosh Jewish Delicatessen & Bakery closed its doors a few years ago, Albuquerque lost its last restaurant purveyor of latke. If you’re willing to drive to the state capital, Santa Fe’s Cafe Mimosa does offer potato latkes though we haven’t tried them yet.
RE Latke: I called https://www.yelp.com/biz/red-rock-deli-albuquerque-2 this AM and the Gal who answered said they’re sorta on the menu, i.e. phone when you have the urge for some. Yo, by coincidence RE latke, read the Yelper’s comment of 12/7/19!!!!
For others, phone also RE having some Wigilia dishes that are part of the traditional Christmas Eve meal of Polish people, much akin to the Meal of the Seven Fishes of the Italians, and the like. Alas, for Catholics, they’ve run out of Oplatek…IMHO, check the internet for some sources.
Speaking of this time of year, if Y’all ain’t into Le Chantilly’s (utterly divine) Yule Log, but are fretting to have a Holiday dessert, perhaps try this (caveat): https://tinyurl.com/sqlvqtl
Fun noodles Gil on Menaul east of San Mateo next to Havana restaurant. Btw. You need a follower recommended section or a way to contact you.
Thank you, Phil. I’ve heard great things about Fun Noodles and will visit someday soon. Albuquerque has needed a hand-pulled noodle restaurant for a long time. Now it appears we’ll have two. There’s another one in the works on Central Avenue just west of O Ramen.
Insofar as contacting me, I read all reader comments though I don’t always have as much time as I’d like to respond to each and every one.
Got the dan dan noodles and the pork rib soup. Also the bao bun pan fried. All was so good. Broth not salty. Good deep flavor.
Thank you, Philip. Dan Dan noodles are among my favorite. I wonder how they compare with the Dan Dan noodles at the Pop-Up Dumpling restaurant at Talin.
Seriously? Couldn’t help but feel initially Phil was yanking our chains! E.g. I googled “Fun Noodles” and came up with (if I may be facetious for a moment or two) this: https://tinyurl.com/y3a8u3ql Alas, I persisted and found stuff that looks like what was once called American Spaghetti https://tinyurl.com/y5w3noug
Nevertheless, I added-on “restaurant” and found a delightful menu https://www.funnoodlebarabq.com/menu, but in all fairness per it being exclaimed as a “Chinese” restaurant, there is no Sweet n Sour Pork listed!!!! (Does anyone know why PF Chang’s seemingly started a trend by stopping serving it now several years ago? Was there a tape worm problem? What?)
Be that as it may, I was further made suspicious when I came upon what was on the ‘hidden menu’…pizza!!! per first seeing this in its first few moments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DL0-F0A-lQ
Alas, per additionally seeing seemingly thoughtful attention to ambiance https://tinyurl.com/y45be6ch i.e. v wall scrolls from Pier One along with the absence of glaring overhead neon lighting, as well as seeing 4.65 Star Comments elsewhere, I think I will surely put it on my list for a near future experience.
Hi Gil, I’m one of the people who reported the closing of Red Rock Deli on Lomas & Nakomis. It’s reopened at 2414San Mateo Pl, so it can come off the Gone But Not Forgotten list! I hope you have time to review the new place. Apparently somewhat updated menu.
Thank you, Poor Man. By coincidence, we visited Red Rock at its new location earlier this week. I’ll be updating my review this weekend.
Dzienkuje Pan for the info/update!
Anyone know the name of the new Japanese restaurant in Cottonwood not far from BJs?
Tokyo Hana
Hi Gil,
Thought I’d let you know, if you hadn’t heard of it, that there’s a new sandwich shop in Rio Rancho, just down from Intel.
It’s in the Deborah Loop shopping center behind Hot Tamales, the one that used to house Namaste and has El Agave.
It is called Uncle T’s Sangwiches. Two young cousins own it – Clinton and I forget the other one’s name. One grew up in Rio Rancho, the other in the East Mountains. The menu is limited, but what they have is excellent. They use fresh ingredients and are really nice young men. I’ve eaten there twice this week and have been happy every time.
Here’s my Yelp review if you want to check it out. I took quite a few photos: https://www.yelp.com/biz/uncle-ts-rio-rancho?hrid=CbcToiGePd_DMc2Ba5kIFw&utm_campaign=www_review_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct)
Their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/nmsangwiches/
Attached is a photo of their menu. I do not think they have the pulled pork every day and their soup seems to change. The other day it was Tuscan stew and today it was Baked Potato soup.
Check them out.
Thank you very much, MaryAnn. We’ll be trying “Sangwiches” soon.
BOTVOLR, when I lived outside of Boston a lifetime ago, the pronunciation “sangwich” was pretty common, particularly in Italian neighborhoods. Was that pronunciation also common in the Lowell area? I don’t recall.
LOL…RE Sangwiches: been waiting for Es with responses and some phone call-backs.
Short answer: yes in Baahstan and amongst Italians http://tinyurl.com/yyxdtdzv , albeit not exclusively, e.g. “San Anton” http://tinyurl.com/yyafamxf *
My 88 y o Polish Uncle says he never heard it tho he went to college in Boston, married a Irish gal from Lawrence where there were more Italians than Lowell, and worked for eons at a Raytheon outside of Lowell.
My Sis…six yrs younger…doesn’t remember it altho she says she “never” ate sandwiches. Her husband who lived in the Portuguese area of Lowell, remembers hearing “sangwich” but in an Italian deli in that Portuguese neighborhood.
My 10 yrs younger Polish cousin does remember hearing it, but she married an Italian from Winchester which was a stop on the Boston to Lowell train route!
My Polish elementary school classmate, says “I believe that your friend (NM native who served at Hanscom) is correct.”
* You are never too old to learn, be amazed, etc! Sometimes we look, but don’t see! As a kid, I always thought this about Polish: what a difficult language to learn; my poor fellow classmates having to always spell out one’s name for a clerk, bank teller, “telephone Operator”, etc. e.g. Szczypinski, Grzyb, etc., i.e. per the run of consonants. And just now it hit me…BLUSH…after all my years! per that discourse above RE San Anton!!!! How the heck does anyone get “Mic or Mac” out of McC?
Hi Gil, happy new year. You reviewed my restuarant Krazy Lizard Taqueria a couple of years ago. I’ve moved locations, and rebranded. I’m now urban Taqueria, located on 1 central ave downtown. even though. My menu is pretty much the same, I’ve added 10 vegan/veg items, and started a sunday brunch. I’d love to have you do a write up on us.
Happy New Year, Hanif
I’m long overdue to visit Urban Taqueria and hope to do so very soon. My friend Sarita has been singing your praises to me for quite a while. In fact, I used one of the photos she took at Urban Taqueria in my 2019: Red or Green–New Mexico’s Food Scene Was on Fire feature.
Yes, thank you, MaryAnn. The other day, when I was turning onto Barbara, it looked like something had taken the place of the old Namaste location, but I didn’t have time to further investigate.
I did, however, based on your very positive review, check it out today. I had the prime brisket sandwich. The meat was good quality and a generous portion, and was accompanied with melted cheddar cheese, tomatoes, onions and field greens. A little cup of barbecue sauce came on the side, which was appreciated. Some places think their sauce is more awesome than it actually is and just go way overboard. This way, you could regulate how much (or how little) you wanted. The kettle chips were tasty.
Sadly, Gil, there’s no place for the Dude to hang out here. You could get it to go. That’s what I did, and the food travelled fine.
I’m glad you enjoyed it! It is true that there’s no petio (as I call them).
Gil and BOTVOLR I enjoyed the comments about sangwiches!
2 Qs of the Day, But first: Salud/Na Zdrowie/Slainte this Cinco de Mayo!!! http://tinyurl.com/y3wfal7p
1) When Y’all make tacos at home are you a ‘purist’ who quick fries corn tortillas? What vexed my late Vieja as a new bride was her handmade tacos always falling over when filling them as well as when they were served, i.e. per the contents spilling out. Alas, we didn’t have “shapers” back in the day. I but wonder, if El Paso’s flat bottoms would’ve made her day.
2) RE home made Guac: mashed avocado with chunks left in; squished minced garlic; finely diced tomatoes and onions; spritz of lime; two shakes of Kosher sea salt. Do Y’all you have a preference for adding cilantro; sprinkles of Bits-O-Bacon; splashes of tequila; dashes of Green Chile; shakes of Red Pepper Flakes; or ……?
1) I do both, but end up using the store bought shells most often…it’s just easier, and if you get a cheap tortilla, then it falls apart!
2) I like to add green chile, or jalapeno, or red pepper flake in my guac…along with onion powder, garlic powder, tomatoes, chopped onion, and salt. Maybe a squirt of lime if I happen to have it.
Thanks ‘ Everchanging Mystery Commenter’…nice confirmation, tho you didn’t say if Guac must be smooth or ya tolerate some chunks. While I most prefer some lumps, it occurs to me as I write, I detest them in my mashed potatoes!
Anybody list their FAV Chip-Dipper Brand?
FYI RE Bacon- my reference should have been http://tinyurl.com/yxbfsuaj It’s a carryover from the ’70s (?) when (mashed) Avocado was spread on toast and then topped with Bacon (strips) and all were enclosed with another piece of toast, as a sangwich(sic)…t’was the “in” thing. Whoa! people started to go crazy and began to slather their toast first with mayo or butter! Alas, I do not think there was a wine pairing at the time, but am picturing sneaking in a slice of at least Swiss, next time I do it.
Personally, I’m hoping one of these days…when Gil has the time…he will set up an extra category “page” for Commenters to offer their personal FAV recipes or at least how Folks may have modified Classic recipes. While sounding simple, we must realize Gil must deal with sub & subsub categories for e.g. Amuse Bouches*, Soups-Creme/Clear, Salad Dressings, Meats, Fishes-fresh water/ocean, Cheezes, Sandwiches, Pizzas, Wines-US/Euro, OMG Deserts, and Other including yada yada! OMG! I forgot BBQ, let alone Asian and various other Ethnic groups!
Hopefully, you (and others) might at least concur; if not, no Biggy!
*Alas…a fond memory when a year older neighbor gal tried to impress me cuz she was now taking French in high school and said “Donnez moi bouche!”
I love chunky quac. I’ll tolerate smooth but prefer chunky. RE: mashed potatoes, yes prefer smooth, but will tolerate a few chunks…
Roberto, please tell me you recognized the brilliance of Captain Escalante Tuttle. He’s the “unknown comic” (anyone remember the Gong Show) of Gil’s Thrilling…an enigmatic presence who contributes much wit, wisdom and knowledge.
With a one-hour commute each way and a rather demanding full-time job, it’s not likely I’ll ever have time to set up a page in which commenters can post their favorite recipes, but I’ll gladly teach YOU how to create a blog and manage blog content so you can provide this valuable service to others.
RE recognize Capt. T.? Indeed- Ha Ha…LOL
RE U will teach me blogging…More Ha Has! You’ve learned the politician’s “Twist/Movida”.
Congratulations, kaibigan
I see you’ve reached the 10,000 reader comment milestone…and only 9,900 of those are from BOTVOLR. Seriously, that’s quite an accomplishment for a guy who thought he might someday reach a couple dozen readers. Yours is still the best written blog out there and the main reason I miss the Land of Enchantment so much. I eat vicariously through you…except when you have banana pudding.
Thanks, Sky. It seems like only yesterday we used to hit Milton’s for pigs in a blanket and eggs burritos at 11PM when we couldn’t sleep after teaching young Lobo pups how to post up and execute no-look-passes.
So why all the recent hate-on for banana pudding? First Merritt, now you. Don’t tell me living in the Metroplex has dulled your taste buds.
Gil, El Agave has opened again in Rio Rancho. You can check it out and take it off your closed in 2019 list. Keep up the great work.
Richard Bonnem
Thank you, Richard. I’m always happy to take restaurants off the “Gone But Not Forgotten” page.
Hey Gil,
Check out Michael’s MiniMart in Velarde, halfway between Santa Fe and Taos, on highway 68. They appeared in Saveur Magazine a few years ago and I’d love to hear your impression.
From SAVEUR Magazine
“…Farther north, the high-desert farming town of Velarde is home to Michael’s Mini-Mart, an unprepossessing pit stop along State Highway 68. There, take a seat at one of three small tables and, for less than you’d spend on a couple of gallons of unleaded, order from the 48-item menu featuring co-owner Alice Romero’s justly famous smothered red chile burritos, pork tacos with pico de gallo, and chicharrón burritos, packed with pork rinds, refried beans, cheddar cheese, and chiles…”
Thank you, William. Cheryl Jamison, New Mexico’s scintillating four-time James Beard award-winning author, told me about Michael’s years ago. She thinks so highly of it that she placed it on the New Mexico Green Chile Cheeseburger Trail. Someday, I promise, I’ll make it to Michael’s.
Oh, and thank you for being the first to use the photo attachment feature on the blog. I hope we hear from you more often and with even more great photos and recommendations.
Someplace in Gil’s site, (I forget where!) I noted the opening of O’Naturel. So as not to mislead if any of the FreeSpirits herein were planning an adventure vacation in gay Paree, O’Naturel is closing for lack of adventurists….in Paree of all places!!! Source, e.g.: http://tinyurl.com/yayz5e98
Thought you might like this Tex-Mex article: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-myth-of-authenticity-is-killing-tex-mex-2103613153
Thank you, Chad. That was a great article. I’ve long been in agreement with Paul Burka that Brisket should be the official state food of Texas. It’s what Texans do best…better than anyone in the world. Tex-Mex food is (to put it nicely) not nearly as good, not even their fabled chili con corne. We’ve been deliberating whether or not to give Tex-Mex food another shot, but invariably I heed the wise words of Albuquerque Academy and UT-Austin graduate Carmen Rising who wrote another great article, “My Tex-Mexistential Crisis” on the subject.
I’m curious. Having lived in both Lubbock and now Albuquerque, where do your preferences lie?
Gil, What’s happened to Little Red Hamburger Hut? Sob!
On October 23rd, the Little Red Hamburger Hut owners posted this message on their Facebook page: “UNFORTUNATELY WE ARE CLOSED THIS WEEK! Plumbing repairs have forced us closed longer than expected. Please bare with us, and Thanks for the continued support, as a family owned and operated business it truly means so much.” There have been no updates since. The restaurant’s “closure” was recently the topic of much discussion in a Reddit forum. One of the respondents indicated “The sign on the door said to keep an eye out for a new location.” Let’s hope it reopens soon.
I called the other day and a Robo Chica said the number was disconnected.
Say, does anyone know who the Robo Lady works for? In the olden days it was Ma Bell and the fun part was you could have fun with one as she never hung up on you…OK! you got unplugged! http://tinyurl.com/yajz6rf2 (As an aside, the first use of phone numbers was in Lowell, MA. Out of curiousity, I dialed “0” and indeed got an Operator with Comcast. Presumably, if you have Verizon etc. you may get theirs….LOL Anyone remember when you could tell a person’s socia-economic status by whether they’d admit their phone was two or four party?)
What in world is the story with Scalo & Elaine’s?
There’s a big effort on now to renovate & update Barelas by some of Albuquerque’s wealthiest & forward thinking families.
So hoping Little Red Hamburger Hut may relocate to the century old Red Ball there. Would be a great fit!
KOB Television devoted two segments in last night’s 10PM news to the ongoing saga of Scalo: https://www.kob.com/albuquerque-news/following-abrupt-closure-scalos-owner-faces-legal-challenges/5199460/#.XDA9CcDlVl4. It’s a very sad situation, indeed.
Gil, not sure how else to get ahold of you, but I just wanted to let you know that I just got spammed by you! I had 16 emails messages from the blog all in Latin!
I’m so sorry Di and to anyone else who was spammed. Though I’m somewhat of a polyglot (conversant in several languages (though struggling through English)), my Latin is a bit weak. Mad scientist that I am, I was tinkering with something I liked on another blog, but when I tried to duplicate it on Gil’s Thrilling…, it blew up on me temporarily. You shouldn’t receive any more spam from me (unless it’s a recipe calling for Spam).
Wondering what happed to Il Bosco Ristorante Italiano can’t seem to find a working number for this restaurant?
Cannot read Bosque Burger review. It will mot load. There is a problem with the page. None of my friends can read it either. Please fix this so we can read it.
Hi Chris
Please let me know what browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari) you’re using so I can troubleshoot. I do extensive testing on all browsers save for Internet Explorer which I don’t use.
My blog traffic reports show that several hundred people have successfully launched the Bosque Burger review, but if it’s not launching for anyone, please let me know so I can try remediating any issues.
Gil, I cannot get it to load on either IE or Chrome.
Thanks for letting me know, Roland. I’ve been up north and don’t have a very strong internet connection, but was able to duplicate the issue and…hopefully resolve it. The Bosque Burger review is launching on Chrome, Firefox, Internet Exploder and Safari. Please let me know if the issue persists for you…and let me know what error message (if any) you’re seeing on screen.
Gil, Everything seems to be working fine today. I could open in both IE and Chrome.
Fun with food stuff half way(s) through the Summer!
– In an apparent unexplained health-kick move, COSTCO has supplanted their infamous Mega Polish Dog for a refreshing acai bowl causing customers’ outrage…there are threats of sign-up petitions to be sent to the White House. Apparently Sam’s Club has seen this as a wedge issue and will be offering the Polish Dog for…hold on to your commo se llamas….99cents! http://tinyurl.com/ycu7gzxx
– If I may ask your indulgence as I might guess that some herein may curse me at the mention of Chica-fil-A: I know that some others of Y’all are aficionados of their menu’s offerings. If Y’all will bear with me for a moment: such Folks are often, for lack of a better term, addicted and suffer bad times when the place is closed on Sundays for religious observance. Alas, just learned our silent co-Readers might rejoice to know, this http://tinyurl.com/y79pldpf is now on the market!
– Looking for something to spriten up your Margarita or your same old cervezas to be enjoyed during the upcoming Green Chile Peeling Fiestas in your back yard? How about a Beerita? No! No! ya don’t simply pour a Corona, Dos Equiis, etc. into your margarita. This is a scientifically based drink that best utilizes a holder as seen here: http://tinyurl.com/yasxlv8h Scientific you ask? Yes, as I haven’t heard back from Sheldon of Caltech in Pasadena, I hope this explo will suffice:
Ambient atmospheric pressure keeps the beer pushed up in the bottle, with some of the beer getting pushed out by the action of carbon dioxide bubbles coming out of the beer. It should work for frozen and rocks margaritas too, so long as there is enough liquid to make an airtight seal around the mouth of the inverted bottle.
If you were to make a hole in the bottom of the inverted bottle, the beer would flow out freely, since air would push its way in through the hole and equalize pressure both above and below the beer, allowing the beer to flow out under its own weight.
Fun facts: (1) In microgravity nothing would happen, except the random mixing of the two drinks at the mouth of the bottle – and you would have trouble defining “upside down” anyway! (2) In normal gravity but in a vacuum the beer would flow out of the bottle leaving a vacuum behind it if it’s flat, or be blown out by the carbonation leaving a bottle full of carbon dioxide gas if it’s not. (3) Furthermore it doesn’t matter how much margarita you have left; as long as the mouth of the beer bottle is sealed with margarita, atmospheric pressure pushing on the margarita will keep the beer up in the bottle.
Salud! Na Zdrowie! Slainte! & “Chow!”
Congrats on the redesign. I like it for the most part, but do find the body text (the review text) too small and slight, as with the previous theme. The text on the home page is bold and strong, but when you click through the reviews, the text is kinda wimpy. IMO.
Thank you, Glenn. With my advancing geriatric progression, I’m finding myself squinting when reading small print on my laptop. It’s somewhat better on a larger monitor.
In terms of font size, it appears you’re using the same font size on psychedelicsight.com (great site, by the way) as I am on Gil’s Thrilling, but you’re using a font that seems to stand out a bit more. Please let me know what font you’re using.
TO ALL READERS, please let me know what you think of the font size used on this review. I don’t know if it’s possible to globally replace my current font settings without significant effort, but it’s something I’ll investigate.
(Tip of the Day: sometimes, depending on the vagaries of computers/site formats, Font/Window size can be altered by holding down the Ctrl key while whirling the wheel of one’s mouse at the same time!)
Whoa RE The UpDo! My computer has been having impish Imps playing mischief with my computer of late…yes, Thank You to those who might offer, but I do run a Malware and Virus Checker. (If truth be told, I suspect that it may be Xfinity…LOL… as it began occuring right after they very graciously lowered my monthly billings by 40 Bucks!!!! they’d been slowly jacking up!) And so, I thought your new format was due to that!
– I’ve often tried to follow the dictum of an architect, Lois Sullivan, of days of old: I.e.: Form Follows Function. While this ain’t his, this was my first TV: http://tinyurl.com/yc32624m All this (brevity) is my way of ironically saying the opening, orange banner is rather simplistically stark. I miss the changing panoramics of your photog friend of old which gave the Blog a cozy/nativistic/welcoming ambiance.
-Elsewise, I apparently saw the first rollout of the changed format. As such, I was frankly aghast and disappointed there was no longer a Comment Section as that meant my faithful Readers could no longer follow my blatherings….but more importantly, I could not read the experiences and cogent insights of others given Gil notes his review is but one humble snapshot in a vast moment of moving time. Today, I’m relieved to see Comments have returned.
– Lastly, I would Second JohnL being El Jefe for organizing an Upcoming Gathering of Foggies! Now that we are supposedly getting into the Season of Summer Rains, might we challenge the gods(God/gawds) to dine on The Fiesta Patio of El Pinto (e.g. for its oft acclaimed and unique Red Chile Ribs) LOL? that of Casa de Benavidez? or perhaps the updated venue of Los Poblanos? or wherever Friendly Bon Vivants-Amiga/os might share Craic?
Thanks for the kind words about my music site. I believe it uses Droid Sans or an offshoot of that typeface. I think the body type on Psychedelic Sight renders a bit small as well — that theme is about five years old and designers have gone bigger with type since then. I like the way the body type displays on your site’s comments (as in, this comment). I find the body type on the linked review you asked about a bit too large, but maybe it’s intended primarily for mobile users. (I’m on an iMac with 27 inch monitor.)
You should be able to adjust the body type in the main CSS file without too much hassle, but of course be sure to keep a safety backup of the file in case it ends in tears — as you probably know. Cheers …
The font size looks fine on my screen though I usually increase the zoom on most pages (usually at my first visit) to 133%. This works well for both my large screen desktop, and my laptop for travel.
Per your 7/6/18 request:
“TO ALL READERS, please let me know what you think of the font size used on this review.”: https://parisbymouth.com/robert/ . ”
Tres bien! (including the pics.)
I cant find recent reviews and looking at Index has 6 yr old reviews or such. Looking the gift horse of your lively and insightful reviews in the mouth I suppose. But im wanting to skip clicking in. What exactly was the goal of a new design?
Stephen R.
Hi Stephen
Similar to the previous blog template, you can quickly and easily navigate to the most recent posts from any page on the blog. The navigation menu on the right side of each page lists my 15 most recent visits…just as the previous template did. The biggest difference is that in addition to the name of each restaurant, you’ll see a thumbnail image from each visit. Click on the name of any restaurant on the menu and the review will launch.
The body of each page also shows fifteen reviews. You can launch any of the reviews by clicking on the restaurant’s name.
Below the last of the fifteen reviews on each page is a “table” from which you can click to the next page. If you’re on the first page of the blog, you’ll see the number “2” followed by three ellipses (…) and the number “75” representing the last page of the blog. There are 15 reviews on each of the 75 pages. You can visit each page incrementally using this simple table.
There are still a few things I’m working on adding to the blog. When done I’ll publish a “how to” to help visitors navigate through the blog.
Thanks for your feedback.
Yeah, it all seems pretty straightforward to me. No clue what his problem is.
Thank you, Sarita. I’ve been building websites for more than two decades now and though I strive for both form and function, the one constant it’s hard to get around is familiarity. Change the look and feel of any website and there are bound to be usability concerns. The Dallas Cowboys recently changed the look and feel of their website (without asking me) and I hate it. There wasn’t anything wrong with the old site. It was familiar and I knew how to get around easily. Having to relearn how to navigate was frustrating. I suspect there’s probably quite a bit of that going around with Gil’s Thrilling…
Hola Kaibigan
Really groovy new theme…much more in keeping with user-centric design you always talked about.
~The Schuy’s the limit…
Mabuhay Compa
Much grass. Alas no good deed goes unpunished. I now have to create thumbnail images for 1050 reviews.
I haven’t received any feedback as to whether this format works for readers. BOTVOLR, JohnL, Roland, Sarita, etal., what thinkest thou?
I will let you finish your masterpiece before giving feedback. One thing I noticed (and it could be because it’s in development), not all recent feedback is accessible within each review. The user ends up having to backtrack to the front page or at least the previous page to access the most recent feedback. And search function is missing, or did I just miss it? Other than that, the look/feel is good…I hate change and liked the old blog just fine, but am willing to go with the flow!
OK, I no sooner sent that feedback and I found the search function…which is not available from the homepage, only within the reviews…
Thank you, good Captain
Great feedback. I’ll make the feedback visible on every page and will make the Search function more evident. I wasn’t sure the magnifying glass icon would be intuitive. You just confirmed it isn’t.
Lunch soon?
I suppose I missed the magnifying glass icon…but you know white font doesn’t show up well on a white background…:-P
As far as lunch, I think we are long overdue to break bread together. I have a new customer who is originally from Penasco and is probably about your age, so I’m curious if you know one another – he did a stint in the USAF as well.
I just started a new position, but Tuesdays and Thursdays still seem to be the best days for me. Text me and we can figure it out.
I do like the new format. I found the comments tonight, so that seems to be working and maybe I just missed it last night. I find it a bit easier to read, actually. As with all things new, it just takes some of us old fogies time to get used to the changes. The good news is we usually do. I think this is a more sleek and modern look. Good luck on getting it the way you want it and the rest of us will hang in there with you.
Hi Gil! I like the new design! It has a cleaner layout and an easier-to-read font. I wanted to try the page on different platforms (My phone versus my iPad versus my computer) and it’s all good. On my phone, I don’t readily have the features I enjoy, such as reading the most recent comments. But that’s okay because I can always switch to the full site view. I know what a challenge and how nerve-wracking it is to be developing and fighting with the different CSS rules without a test environment, so I’m doubly impressed.
One thing I do miss, and it’s a little nit-picky thing, is the old banner, where you had random dish appear. Still, it’s an overall improvement. Good job!
Hi Gil, I just visited the new version tonight. What has happened to the recent reader’s comments in chronological order? Is that being eliminated or still a work in progress on the new version? I always look for that after reading the latest reviews.
Hi Roland
I’m still working on the new blog theme. If (fingers and eyes crossed) I get it right, I should be able to restore all the web parts the previous theme displayed.
Just went to your blog for the first time in a day or so. What’s happened. It doesn’t or work as well as it did. Text is shown over other text. Have you changed something? John L
Hi John
It’s so nice to hear from you. I hope you and Kay are doing well and that we can break bread with you someday soon.
I’ve been working on redesigning the blog, making it more modern (hopefully). Unfortunately I don’t have a “development” version of the blog so all the changes are being done on production. You’ll be seeing my ineptitude warts and all as I proceed, but the end-result should look and feel better.
Hi Gil.
Kay and I are doing well and hope you and Kim are as well. Does breaking bread someday soon mean it’s time for the old FOGgies to gather again?
The blog is working better now. Text no longer tramples on top of other text. I’m still getting used to some of the changes eg choosing the restaurant category. Not sure what “more modern” means. But as long as it works who cares.
If a metro-Boston resident was to visit NM for two weeks beginning two weeks from today…would there be an interest in a gastronomic get-together one evening?
She’s been out of touch for a while….and apologizes profusely.
Yo Barbara…lest you dare…I’d think it fun meeting up for an eve of raucous dining frivolity and hope several might gather for same, albeit I don’t know if anyone herein clicks to read my Blatherings!
So, while hoping you will express your FAV venue, but lest you forget, there are a plethora of scrumptious “local” places like…and in no particular order… Scalo’s of Nob Hill; The Fiesta Patio at El Pinto, known for their exclusive Red Chile Ribs; Mary & Tito’s ( M-F 9-6;F-S till 8); The Monte Carlo; High Noon; Joe’s Pasta House; and of course…The Dog House; Wherever!
Gracias, BOTVOLR ( pronounced Boat-volar? ) I am in receipt of your blatherings.
I think, to be fair to the Burque, that it HAS to be New Mexican. Other than that, I am not picky as long as I cannot spit and hit a tourist ( other than myself )
Yo, if I may B: as a time to rendezvous is upon us: While you specified New Mexican fare, you didn’t specify a venue nor a day: Lest you never checked this https://www.nmgastronome.com/?page_id=1255 , it’s places Gil has reviewed as New Mexican per scrolling down therein. I’d add to that per his separate review per being in Corrales https://www.nmgastronome.com/?s=perea%27s+tijuana
If ya like dining NM al fresco while chancing the weather, I’d suggest meeting up at the patios of Casa de Benavidez or El Pinto.
Bottom line: it’s your vacation… to choose!
BOTVOLR (Bob Of The Village Of Los Ranchos)
New Vietnamese Restaurant to try. Viet Pho on Menaul. Old Ko Palace Location. 4208 Menaul.
I agree! We tried it last weekend and it was excellent.
New posts please!
Cheez Whiz! Geez ya can get some here http://tinyurl.com/ycmnc747 ! As a kid, I remember when my Mom would put a piece of (Velveeta?) on a Ritz cracker, top it with a snippet of crisp-fried bacon, and put it under “the broiler” to slightly melt the cheese, to serve as a de rigueur party delight. Whoa, after the jar of Cheez Whiz, it then came in a spray can to cut out the trip to the broiler, tho I think she kept the broiler method after a trial.
– Say…going to do any bingeing ala Netflix/Hula/whatever or Friends drop in at the last minute and ya can’t get to the Popcorn Cannery http://www.thepopcorncannery.com/flavors.html ? Are ya just going to smother your popcorn with buttaah? Try https://www.saveur.com/Popcorn-Toppings
– Got Huevos?!!! Whoa! Saveur reports that “Spaniards consume an average of 254 eggs a year.”! Given our affinity for Huevos Rancheros and Breakfast Burritos, thought some of Y’all might be interested in what the Spaniards are up to http://tinyurl.com/yafgdqzl and especially if you are into doing the free range, chicken raising thing in your back yard!
– Gil lists 16 Seafood venues. Alas, most are out of state, a couple are closed, and 3 are of the seafood-in-a-plastic baggy which I’ve enjoyed but are limited to do solo at times. As such, I venture to Red Lobster. As it is not a Mom n Pop nor Local place, I’m suspicioning that some of Y’all may not have ventured in. Alas, faced with limited/no option, I would forge ahead with a comment: For months I’ve suggested (harangued) RL’s Corp offices to bring back the mini Lobster Roll they’ve rotated “seasonally”. They have, but this time the lobster is not coated with the “traditional mayo, but with a buttery lemon coating, that I, personally, find unappealing despite the wait staff saying diners enjoy it….Oh well.
Red Robin used to have a fair representation of String Fried Clams, but they D/Ced them. I cannot recommend RL’s per being mostly fried breading. So why do I go the past dozen or more years to RL 1-2 times a month besides the food? The front staff are always congenial and mostly recognize me even tho new ones replace ones that move up in rank. It is neat and tidy; they use cloth serviettes. What ABQ restaurants are able to keep waitstaff e.g. one Gal 15 years! and 2 barmen (where I dine) for over 10 years?
Typically I get the Kid’s Claws, baked potato, salad and Adult beverage. During this lobster (in contrast to All Ya Can It Shrimp) promotional time, I ventured to try what they call Lobster Savannah. Albeit I’d prefer an intact tail and perhaps one beyond the legal length*…LOL, this is splayed (in keeping with the times apparently) and topped with tiny scallops, shrimp, and roasted peppers in a rich sherry lobster cream sauce. (As I am one to eschew scallops, large or small, I can’t comment on them.) The tail is not humongous, but quite happily, satisfies my avian appetite, albeit I am now pairing it with an ever so succulent Dragon Broccoli…Fried florets, drizzled with spicy dragon sauce accompanied with whole chile peppers…kinda akin to those Brussel Sprouts that were “in” a year or two or five ago!
* Took a tourist lobster boat off Kennebunkport, ME where we watched a guy haul up lobster traps. He had a piece of metal to measure lobsters for a minimum of 3 1/2 inches…otherwise ya had to throw smaller ones back in per the law.
– Speaking of Lobstaahs and cooking them…which I’ve never done….http://tinyurl.com/ycp32hfd
Confused about lobsters. Your comment infers that lobsters 3 1/2 inches are legal length? 3 1/2 inches? That would be the distance from your thump to you forefinger if they were held apart? That’s the size of a large crawfish.
Are you sure about that?
Pardon 8…in attempting to be parsimonious in terms of my propensity for verbiage, I should not have skimped as it depends on what one’s definition of “measure” is http://tinyurl.com/y9v4au4v and as illustrated here http://tinyurl.com/y8mcr4om
As an ‘extra’ if you will, here is an example of a tour ala TripAdvisor http://tinyurl.com/yal2xyz3 if one happens to be planning a vacation in New England…besides the tourist reviews, click on the LobsterMan’s pic for a bunch of pics.
Hope this helps.
PS…Not to mislead. While the Savannah Tail might be small, I believe RL offers other weight sizes of tails.
As measured from the back of the eyes to the end of the body shell would have been the easier, less confusing and more parsimonious way to describe measuring a legal size lobster. Thanks anyway for responding
Larry, any chance of a preview of restaurants celebrating Chinese New Year in the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho area?
Don’t know of any.
See you at Souper Bowl?
Pho Garden was exvellent today.
I read the Journal’s effusive review of Seared yesterday &, doubting that a place I never heard of could be that good, looked it up on Yelp. They were full of extravigant so we made reservations last night. It is that good.
I had the, Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon with potatoes au gratin, asparagus, & bearnaise sauce. It was by far the best I have ever eaten in Albuquerque. My Child Bride had the dish the review was praising, House Cut Loin Steak basted with chimichurri sauce, roasted redskin potatoes and broccolini. Wonderful.
The location sucks, 119 San Pasquale Ave SW where Chef du Jour used to be located (Jennifer James started there) and the review had fun ridiculing the search for the location and the decor but saying the food and price were worth it. Actually the decor was much improved from the “early industrial revolution” of Chef du Jour. Don’t go for lunch as Cheese & Coffee is another restaurant there until 2:30 and Seared takes over the location at 4:00.
You must have been traveling when my review of Seared was posted in September. We’ve been waiting for warmer, less windy weather to return and enjoy Seared’s dog-friendly patio.
Actually you are right. We were in beautiful downtown Denver at that time suffering through meals at Euclid Hall, Rioja, Bistro Vendome, Seoul BBQ, Appaloosa Grill and Cheesecake Factory (that was actually suffering-they didn’t even know who Penny was).
Caveat: No restaurant! Just some post Christmas delightful detritus:
– Per my recent self-interested musings about where does New Mexico stand in terms of creating “new” dishes that no one seems to have an interest in expounding upon…LOL: just in case: is “appropriating” dishes/recipes from other countries “OK” to place along the continuum or be that illegal? I can’t recall seeing any of these http://tinyurl.com/y7tkuvms used for the hallowed Egg at e.g. @ The Range, Village Inn, Frontier, or Cecilia’s; let alone at IHOP, i.e. The INTERNATIONAL House of Pancakes? Say, anyone been to The Egg & I on Menaul?
I just saw a Pastry Chef claim this http://tinyurl.com/yb9u3nde as a fantabulously, new Creation!!!! Big Whoop! I betcha I could put Nutella on even a piece of Bacon and get an acclaim!
– BTW…Tip I of the Day: IF this http://tinyurl.com/yd5ov8mw applies at McDs, perhaps it applies elsewhere?
– Tip II of the Day: Make Trader Joe’s Brandy Beans a New Year’s Rez!…if ya can find ’em! OMG! http://tinyurl.com/yacbjbog
– Last year, a bunch of us Family/Friends did a New Year’s Eve Camaraderie Munching at one of the Cracking Crab Seafood Boils at this one https://www.nmgastronome.com/?p=41004 Plan to redo it this year! Do any of Y’all have a traditional go-to place or have a special meal at home Y’all enjoy? Reminds me as a kid in our rented flat in a double decker, my Folks “splurged” one year to buy live lobstaahs to boil….Eh, t’was New England, how expensive could they be? The appetizers of the day were a) a pimento spread (from a jar later used as a juice glass) http://tinyurl.com/ybok5em7 for crackers (sturdy ripple potato chips hadn’t yet been invented) and b) a tad slice of Velveeta (before CheezWhiz) was placed on a Ritz Cracker atop which a sliver of (cooked) bacon would be laid that were put under “the broiler” for a sec or two to melt the cheese. Drinks were PBR/Schlitz/Harvard/Narragansett or a Bubblaah….CC (Canadian Club) and Gingaah (ginger ale) on the rocks. OMG!!! Of course there were at least two doorways with sprigs of mistletoe, albeit non-transferable lipstick hadn’t been invented; the melding of perfumes was (fill in the blank); Guys…probably all GIs…. took off their suit jackets to go casual in a white shirt and tie while Gals were dressed to the Nines with some wearing nylons with a decorative back-seam! Yes! there was a Whoopee cushion that made the rounds. No! Parents/M/F-i-Ls were not invited. And the smoke? Could kill a horse! In those days, as Folks actually put chains on their tires, no New Year’s Eve winter storm kept celebrants overnight!!! LOL Ah yes, at midnight, it was Guy Lombardo on the radio way back when e.g.: http://tinyurl.com/yarw4obr
Aaah but I ramble on!
What do you mean with the quote creating “new” dishes?
Like what?
Deep fried Chicken feet parmigiana?
Tripe with awful offal in a camel’s milk Alfredo sauce?
Or pedestrian Dog House with wieners with purple chile that can be bought by the inch, calling it the frugal folks frank?
Ethiopian Elephant stew (didn’t Ethiopia get 1 vote in the ethnic food poll?)
Come on BOTVOLR come up with something, don’t make us do the work.
In the latest poll, Espanola was not one of the choices…bummer, that would’ve been my #1 choice, but Taos (with Orlando’s) is a very close 2nd….
Our friend and culinary hero Gil Garduno has been nominated for a “Local Hero” award sponsored by Edible Santa Fe. After asking a handful of friends to vote for him, he said he had to take a shower. This is a guy who won’t ever ask anything for himself, but will give you the shirt off his back (even if it’ll fit you like a tent).
So, if he publishes this comment (and he will only if he thinks no one will read it), please cast your vote for a truly deserving hero at https://ediblesantafe.formstack.com/forms/local_heroes_2018.
“In our world of big names, our true heroes tend to be anonymous. In this life of illusion and quasi-illusion, the person of solid virtues who can be admired for something more substantial than his well-knowness often proves to be the unsung hero: the teacher, the nurse, the mother, the honest cop, the hard worker at lonely, underpaid, unglamorous, unpublicized jobs.”
Daniel J. Boorstin
I read it and I voted! 😀
Thank you, Sarita. I hope you voted for me.
Ah, but of course. There were a few categories where it was a really tough choice. Your category was a no-brainer.
I voted normal – putting it in my mouth and eating it. Which isn’t to say I haven’t eaten it the other ways…even knife and fork when it’s the deep dish Chicago style pizza.
2 respond, 2 to go.
I assume our poll meister will be number 3.
That leaves 1 Knife and Forker to be revealed if in fact someone didn’t vote twice thinking it would look bad to be the sole K&F-er.
It’s not me, while I didn’t vote I’m an avowed folder.
Would the 4 voters eating the pizza with a knife and fork be willing to reveal their identities?
I will if you will “8.” You must be the biggest Troy Aikman fan in Burque to use his number as your name.
If you must know it’s Yogi Berra’s number, one of only 3 Yankees I liked.
Nice assumption, though.
After the Yankees, any Cowboys, or the entire team is/are number 2 on my most disliked sports team.
Also, Captain, I’m a folder and a dripper.
There reason is more than geographical.
When one starts with the point of the triangle formed by folding one gets to eat something less than molten lava due to the smallness of the point. Resulting in giving the rest of the slice the opportunity to cool off just enough to be at peak eating temp. Non of the lava-like topping sticks to the roof of one’s mouth.
By the way, what do you call 26 millionaires sitting at home watching the Super Bowl?
Answer: the Dallas Cowboys.
I must confess to being one of the four. I always cast the first vote in every survey and tend to vote Seinfeld every time. I suspect one of the other three is probably Schuyler who can quote every line from every episode of Seinfeld.
I’m a folder, not that it makes one a bad person.
Guilty (or is it Gil-t) as charged. BTW, Albuquerque needs a pizza place where you make your own pie! We give you the dough, the sauce, the cheese…you pound it, slap it, you flip it up into the air…you put your toppings on and you slide it into the oven! Sounds good, huh?
What if you want broccoli on your pizza? 🤣
KRAMER: And…broccoli!
POPPIE: Wait a second…what is that?
KRAMER: It’s broccoli.
POPPIE: No, no. You can’t put broccoli on a pizza.
KRAMER: Well, why not? I like broccoli.
POPPIE: That’s not a pizza. It’ll taste terrible.
KRAMER: But that’s the idea, you make your own pie.
POPPIE: Yes, but we cannot give the people the right to choose any topping they want! Now on this issue there can be no debate!
KRAMER: What gives you the right to tell me how I would make my pie?
POPPIE: Because it’s a pizza!
I wonder if the poll meister tucks a napkin to eat pizza with a knife and fork like Queen Elizabeth.
If self respecting NYers folds their slice does that infer you’re not self respecting if you are not folding?
And once again, so what?
I would hope the poll meister would make some cogent observations based on the poll results. I get the feeling the polls, like a bad head cold are running their course.
I’d much prefer commenters post about memorable meals and dining experiences. Much more informative for a food blog.
Perhaps, one at a time, like guest columnists, commenter could relate dining experiences, good and bad, with the whys and why nots.
Silence of the Lambs won or tied for best food movie, really?
Silence of the Lambs and Soylent Green are foodie flicks? BOTVOLR’s sense of humor is even more warped than yours.
I voted for La Fete De Babette because the creator of the meal is Pierre Orsi who has a wonderful restaurant in Lyon France and I have dined there. But alas, so what?
I keep wondering what we are to extrapolate from the polls other than the poll meister is not Jerry Seinfeld, and they must have access to numerous devices.
Alas Schuy, I only suggested the idea to try out a Poll/Survey and a couple of topics. I.e. I’m pretty sure Gil accepts suggestions from the Vox Populi. Indeed, perfect poll options may be limited by the format of the app he has available. E.g. sometimes, we might feel two choices are our best, but only once can be made. My foodie-film choice is “biased” in that given I didn’t see a majority of the flix.
-Relevance?/Value?…A fun diversion? Educational? Initially I was taken aback that a few choices of mine were way off from the crowd. While not caring, it did make me rethink that maybe I’m missing something by not trying out something I might really enjoy…Awhile back, I accidentally ordered Carpaccio which I now enjoy despite still ordering my Filetto “medium”….LOL
Elsewise, maybe just a bald, selfish feeding of my curiosity….why are most Commentors herein Male v few Females, i.e. given the stereotype most female SOs/wives are the family cooks? Why don’t more Folks comment? Just an interesting “knowing” of Who’s here in part of my world…LOL
Personally, I would have included choices like an episode from SOAP http://tinyurl.com/y98juvjj (NO! no kinship with Bob!”; Eat Pray Love http://tinyurl.com/yamk82y8 BTW, do you know http://tinyurl.com/zmyxaez “spaghetto” is the singular?; and of course When Harry Met Sally http://tinyurl.com/hqlbqsz as it always makes me run to California Pastrami http://www.capastrami.com/ for a Reuben.
“Chow!” as we NonItalians say.
Just curious.
Do you order spaghetto at Italian restaurants?
What did you mean to order when you accidentally ordered carpaccio?
Which film garnered your most mouth watering food movie?
Just curious, that’s all.
Yo Ate! Clever/cute.
8: Do you order spaghetto at Italian restaurants?
BOTVOLR: No, as it would seem silly to order one strand, unless on a lowcarb diet. On the other hand, and while I’m not typically a uni-dish kinda Guy, I have been looked at askance when ordering spaghetti senza marinara, but with a side of melted butter. If I have an option, I will request Angel Hair. When preparing spaghetti at home, I will try to “hook” a spaghetto on my fork tine(s) to test for “denteness” and will use a spaghetto when lighting my oil lamps, i.e. see http://tinyurl.com/yc745osn if my taper’s wick is spent.
8: What did you mean to order when you accidentally ordered carpaccio?
BOTVOLR: Per my foodie naivete: I think I didn’t recall seeing the term Carpaccio before and thus did not know it was a classic fare being raw beef offered. At my early visit to Piatanzi, and if my memory serves me correctly, I’m thinking the word “raw” was not included as part of the description in an early menu; it is today. That recollection may be partly reinforced by seeing Jim Millington’s notation…”Carpaccio: beef tenderloin, capers berries, olive oil, cheese crouton, arugula; & Gamberoni:”…of 10/11/14 https://www.nmgastronome.com/?p=34390#comments In any event and upon reflection, I was lapse by not picking up on my WaitStaff not asking “how” I wanted it cooked. Additionally, my curiosity was probably peaked, given my dyslexic propensity, per Carpaccio kinda “coinciding” with my most favorite Classical piece being Capriccio Italien http://tinyurl.com/qggfgfy In other words, I did not intentionally order a piece of beef to be ‘raw’ and correctly/incorrectly used the term ‘accidentally’ to describe the interplay of whatever.
8: Which film garnered your most mouth watering food movie?
BOTVOLR: Besides what has been stated: Julie and Julia. (Lest I were to be asked: My favoritest Italian Chef to look at? Giada. My favorite dish? Veal Parmigiana, lightly sauced. Favored pizza topping: Pepperoni/green chile/diced anchiove.)
8: Just curious, that’s all.
One of the things which, IMHO, draws Folks to this Blog, besides Gil not succumbing to being a shill for venues, is the down-to-earthiness of Commentors, not one of whom falls into being so labelled as herein: http://tinyurl.com/ybd34rba !!!
Well, since this blog hasn’t been updated or changed I guess it’s pretty much done. We’ll just go with the same old reviews on the same places and even check out the restaurants that don’t exist anymore for years. There’s a load of places on the list that have been gone for years! Oh, Mary and titos? Over rated….
Troll. Did you peck out this drivel from your usual booth at Denny’s?
Nice one, Jen!
Oh my…”A troll”? What came to mind was http://tinyurl.com/ybtasu8r
Blush! I gotta get out more to keep up with what the Millennials
are into! Yo, I don’t feel too too bad as Webster’s just caught up on
Tuesday http://tinyurl.com/ybchyk8a showing Jen is indeed, well read!
Gil, I ate at Moe’s original bar-b-cue. They’re located on Academy and Wyoming in where Tim’s Place used to be. I checked them out online and they are a chain.
You order at the counter and they bring you food to the table. Large variety with one exception, no brisket. What? I asked and apparently its not on the menu but they do serve it occasionally. Lots of side dishes with off menu sides as well.
I ordered a platter which comes with two sides, corn bread and a drink. I asked if the hot links were kielbasa or actual hot links and was told they were indeed hot links. They serve the meat in a small cardboard boat. For my sides I had potato salad, it was good, and a black-eyed pea salad which was really good.
The corn bread is sheet baked, came cut about 2×5. The sauce is on the side and is vinegary. I was disappointed with the hot link was the diameter of a quarter and came cut into coins. 🙁 No Bueno! Hard to really get the full impact without being able to bite down on an actual link. I would have cut it myself and if I were to order it again I would ask for it whole. My sister ordered the pulled pork, it was good and the sauce pairs well with it. For her sides she had beans, she said they were good but not as good as mine. She mentioned the beans that the Branding Iron used to serve which had lots of meat in them. She also had a corn dish that was so so. Saw some friends and they were very happy with the ribs they had. So, will I go back? Probably because they’re a mile from the house and I’d like to try their brisket and the fish. One other thing, above the name on the menu they state: A Southern Soul Food Revival. They have fried catfish and shrimp and offer a shrimp MoeBoy sandwich. No greens or grits on the menu and I would not consider it a soul food joint. The prices are reasonable and you can get the platter or a sandwich with any of the meats. We passed on the desserts. Interested to know what you think.
Thank you, Michael. Great review! If ever I need a guest reviewer, you’re at the top of my list.
It’s not entirely surprising that Alabama boys wouldn’t feature brisket on a daily basis, but considering they started their business in Colorado, you’d think they would have perfected it by now. In the west (especially Texas) brisket is king.
One of the Moe’s founders is from Tuscaloosa, home of Dreamland Bar-B-Que, a legendary Southern barbecue establishment whose menu is rather sparse and also doesn’t include brisket. We lived in the Deep South for eight years and rarely saw brisket on any menu. Pork, however, was plentiful.
I’ll be pining for the Branding Iron beans now…along with sauce from Robb’s Ribs.
Gil, Thanks for the compliment, you are the best.
The Branding Iron beans were so good.
I told my sister that maybe they weren’t serving brisket as they didn’t want left overs, a good use of day old brisket and pulled pork is chopped barbecue. There was a place in El Paso named Smitty’s Barbecue and the chopped sandwich was left over brisket, pulled pork and smoked ham as ham was a meat choice on the menu. I’ve duplicated this chopped que and with homemade sauce it’s out standing. I tend to use burnt ends and a lot of bark from the pork butt and a twice smoked thick ham steak.
Rob Richmond of Robb’s Ribb’s lives in Wisconsin and cooks gourmet meals to order in your home. Miss him and his sauce and the sausages which were the best in town. He gave me a smoked turkey for my birthday one year as I was born on Thanksgiving.
Rosales’ Produce with their Chile from Lemitar, opened for the season just a few days ago. Haven’t had our “Peeling Fiesta on the Patio for Family/Friends” yet, so can’t comment on the Chile itself, but if the past 4-5 years is any indication….should be Delicioso! Alas, a 40# sack roasted is up a tad to $30 …see below*.
Location: 7331 4th NW Yes, in the VOLR where we are bucolic/idyllic http://tinyurl.com/y6v3bt4r but ain’t stuffy as somehow misperceived !
Do you peel with surgical gloves? I prefer to go bare neehkid while rinsing my fingers occasionally in vinegar…burn lasts, but only mildly and for just a couple of hours. In any event, gives me a Manly-Man feeling and helps me remember what I did earlier in the day!
Here’s a map for easy access from either the East/West sides via Paseo http://tinyurl.com/ycoydgxd click a pic, upper left for a visual.
Yo, it’s right next to this newly opened eatery https://www.nmgastronome.com/?p=43679#comments Elsewise, and close by, is https://www.nmgastronome.com/?s=casa+de+benavidez with their fabulous “tropical” patio, albeit closed after 3 on Sundays.
Ya know, if ya need another reason to come all the way over here, there are several antique/vintage shoppes to bemuse you, e.g. http://www.foundon4th.com/ as well an award-winning winery with a tasting room and back serenity pond http://www.casarondena.com/ On Saturday AMs, there is a Farmer’s Market and Art/Crafts booths over by the Village Hall on Rio Grande Blvd.
*As an aside: As you may have read, Chile roasters are starting to pop up across Gil’s “fruited plain”. While I couldn’t find some of their bigger markets in MA doing them, I found one place with 5 stores starting on the 1st of Sept. Apparently, they rent a roaster and share, e.g. one store is only roasting on the 1,2,3rd….another a weekend later. LOL In any event, an equivalent 40#s would run ya $79.60!!!
Earlier this week, had dinner at a new place on San Mateo near McLeod called Groundstone. Had an amazing salad and my husband had a delicious burger with lots of great toppings and a side of kale slaw that I absolutely loved (sneaked some from his plate)! You ought to try this place out!
Thank you, Stacy. We’ll visit Groundstone soon.
(OMG: Anyone remember the introduction of dining style into ABQ, e.g. LA, way back when? LOL)
7/25’s AJ: — Slick brick, hot pizza, cold beer. That’s what Groundstone has for its customers.
The restaurant, brainchild of Albuquerque restaurateur Russ Zeigler — previous owner or co-owner of Liquid Assets, High Finance, Options, Assets and Sandiago’s — specializes in serving local beers, pizza, burgers, salad and desserts out of the 6,700-square-foot building once occupied by The Library Bar & Grill at 5001 San Mateo NE.
Spokeswoman Maddie Correa Zeigler said she and her husband renovated the space, adding a room for private parties, a concrete floor to match the brick walls and two patio spaces.
The restaurant opened for business on Sunday and employes roughly 60 people, she said.
Russ Zeigler, who has been in the restaurant ownership business since 1977, said the motivation for opening was pretty simple. “I thought there was a need for what we are doing. And the leases ran (out) on my previous restaurants, and I wasn’t quite ready to sit on the couch and throw in the towel.”
Groundstone serves craft beers from all over the country, but tries to focus on local beers. Russ said he plans to start a “beer-of-the-month” program to support local breweries.
The ingredients for the food he serves are also mostly local. The bread is from local bread maker Fano, and the green chile is from Bueno. “We are trying to do everything to stay as local as we can,” he said. When that’s not possible, he said, the restaurant still tries to get the freshest, best ingredients.
Hi Gil ,
My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.
I would like to personally congratulate you as your Gil’s Thrilling (And Filling) Blog has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Gastronomy Blogs on the web.
I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Gastronomy Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!
Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.
You were ranked pretty high on the list! Out of the whole world! Congratulations, Gil!
Thank you, Sarita. What people appreciate about this blog is its sense of community–great people like you sharing your opinions and recommendations.
WOW! Congrats. Very well deserved! Not bad for a Penascero 🙂
Congratulations, Brah. No one deserves it more.
Maybe this is a portend for better things to come–like maybe you’ll finally be voted best blogger by Albuquerque The Magazine’s readers. I waded through the magazine’s 8000 pages of ads to vote for you.
BTW, great survey question!
In the top 15!!!! No one deserves it more, what a treasure you are to NM!
Thank you so much, dear Hannah. I have no doubt that if you and Edward had continued “Once Again We Have Eaten Well,” you would have been similarly honored. I do hope someday you post, in your inimitable way, about your dining adventures in Wisconsin…and that you resurrect The Salad Days, my favorite guilty pleasure.
Need to try: Quarter Celtic on the corner of San Mateo and Lomas. Fish and chips good! Slaw, ehh, Fries- super crispy, tarter sauce -excellent.
Needs a review from ya!
Hi Gil.
Hope you are doing well since we last met. In the mean time the family has visited sweet tea bakery & Budai. I enjoyed both of them. Unfortunately one dish i came for was only in Summer, and one of the pork dishes was no longer on the menu.
My next Vietnamese restaurant is the one on San Mateo & Central.
Keep you posted.
Hello Thwan
It’s so nice to hear from the best physical therapist in the universe. I appreciate all your patience and work with me.
I’m so glad you enjoyed Sweet Tea and Budai. Did you order from Budai’s not-so-secret menu? Budai doesn’t change its menu that often, but it does frequently add new daily specials and seasonal favorites. We usually order daily specials because there’s no telling when you’ll see those again.
When you visit Cafe Dalat, I recommend the spicy beef stew. It’s my favorite soup in the universe.
Gil – What a great blog! I stumbled across it today and have been neglecting other tasks I had set for myself as I became engrossed in reading your prose. I’d like to ask for your recommendations for someone who will be in ABQ for a few days only – what are the go-to places? ( I’ve already noted Mary and Tito’s as a must-dine). My husband will be in town for 4 nights and I’m researching dining options for him,
Of course, great Mexican food is a must, but he is always on the lookout for a really good Philly cheesesteak sandwich. Every time we’ve moved over the years (which was about every two years while he was in the military) he tried to find a good cheesesteak with very limited success; oddly, he found the best cheesesteak outside of Philly in Tucson a few years ago. As we are considering retiring to Albuquerque, it would be a nice bonus.
Keep up the great work on the blog!
Hi Amanda
Thank you for the kind words about my blog.
Your husband is in luck. Albuquerque has one of the best Philly Cheesesteaks anywhere (including Philadelphia) and it’s made with a uniquely New Mexican touch–green chile. You’ll find it at Philly’s N’ Fries on Second Street. Unfortunately, the restaurant is open only from 11AM through 4PM so the hours may not fit with your husband’s schedule.
Mary & Tito’s is Albuquerque’s very best New Mexican restaurant with a red chile that’s absolutely magical, but it may not be exactly what you may be used to. New Mexican cuisine is somewhat different from Mexican cuisine you may have had in other parts of the country. Then again, in your military assignments, you’ve undoubtedly been exposed to all types of food.
I’ll be happy to give you other suggestions if you let me know where your husband is staying (Albuquerque is rather spread out) and what types of foods your husband would enjoy.
You would have loved Albuquerque this weekend. We hit 80 degrees today and 78 degrees yesterday. The winds have been relatively light for a March day.
Caveat: A complete “aside” while being a possible addition to whatever “collection” Gil has per his “Sesquipedalian” self description:
Mamihlapinatapai ! OMG! It is a wonderful moment or maybe two, but can be an inglorious bane when dining alone, let alone with a date/spouse! Of course, it can occur riding on a bus via ART; waiting in a checkout lane of Wallymart; while seated opposite an other waiting for an hour and a half at the New Mexico DMV to renew your Driver’s license; while seated at a dinner of never-met-before extended family members; yada yada yada. It is a word used by Folks down in Tierra del Fuego. Pardon my stereotyping, but those be the last Folks in the world who I’d imagine using such a “big” word, which is probably not even listed within the SATs!
It is derived from the Yaghan language and listed in The Guinness Book of World Records as the “most succinct word” which defines “looking at each other hoping that either will offer to say/do something which both parties desire but are unwilling to say/do.” As an example of usage: I think we’re experiencing mamihlapinatapai… let’s get naked and see!
Gil I’ve been a long time reader of your blog. I almost visit anything you review that you recommend. One Vietnamese dish I’ve been in search of to replace the vermicelli noodle bowl from Kim longs. Do you have any recommendations? Places we’ve tried and decided it’s not as good. Saigon, May cafe, que houng, pho 79, da lat, viet taste, basil leaf, Saigon Far East, Vietnam 2k. Any help would be appreciated.
Good Morning Philip
Thank you for being a long-time reader. I appreciate your loyalty and am delighted that you’ve visited so many of our city’s wonderful restaurants.
Kim Long was a terrific restaurant offering a number of unique dishes not to be found anywhere else. The vermicelli bowl (especially with grilled pork and egg rolls) was one of our favorites. As is often the case with dishes we consider favorites, there’s always one restaurant head and shoulders better than the other. We’ve derived a lot of pleasure from the adventure of experiencing the nuanced differences between how dishes are interpreted by different restaurants. I don’t know if you’ll ever find a vermicelli bowl you enjoy as much as Kim Long’s, but encourage you to continue that noble pursuit. Please report back when you find one you enjoy.
Philip B, try the one at Asian Grill on Gibson (right across from the Lovelace Hospital – or whatever it is now). I like their vermicelli bowl with grilled pork and eggroll. I want to say it is #B2, but can’t be 100% positive.
If you go, I hope you enjoy!
Thanks for the recommendation. The noodles and veggies were fresh, The eggroll good. The pork was not that good and the peanut sauce was bleh. Overall not the Noodle bowl I’m looking for. But thanks anyway. I think Que Houng is probably the closest so far.
Bummer it wasn’t for you.
I probably should’ve mentioned I add quite a bit amount of siracha and chili sauce. That probably masks any bland and bleh.
Another suggestion – again, I add tons of heat to mine so maybe a “caveat emptor” applies…:-)…Viet Noodle on the West Side (Montano/Coors area – just up the hill a bit almost across from the Dion’s). If you try it, I hope it works for you!
Commiserations compai. You’re destined to be the Susan Lucci (won first daytime Emmy after 19 nominations) of Duke City bloggers. I just picked up Albuquerque The Magazine’s Best of the City issue and saw that once again you’re among the best of the rest. That’s at least five times you’ve been snubbed. I’m sure I speak for your tens of readers in saying that you’re by far the best blogger I’ve ever read. Maybe you’d stand a better chance if you published more photos of Shawne and Dazzling Deanell and fewer of Sr. Pluto and Ryan Scott.
Thanks, Sky.
Tens of readers? Hmm, there’s you, Sr. Plata, Ryan Scott, Jim Millington, Bruce Schor, Bob of the Village People…. That’s five.
Jamie Lewinger (http://morethanturquoise.com) is well deserving of Best of the City honors. Dawn will appreciate her fashion sense and lifestyle columns and I’m sure you’ll like the pictures.
It would be interesting to hear if the female demographic among my readers appreciates photos of Sr. Plata and Ryan Scott more than you and Diego do.
You betcha!
Just tried the new Aura European Mediterranean Restaurant located at 6300 San Mateo NE, ALbuquerque, NM. In the Far North Shopping Center. So good! You should try it!
We are a group of foodies and started a new blog dedicated to the food and travel. Your site offered us with valuable info to work on. You have done a awesome job. I’d like if you can spare some times to check out this our blog https://www.tastecapade.com/foodblog .
Have you tried the Italian restaurant in Deming, NM called Forghedaboudit Pizza? It’s such more than just pizza. The chef and his wife use receipts from his grandmother with a new twist. Check out the website fgbpizza.com
Hello Kimberly
I first heard about Forghedaboutit Pizza when the restaurant represented the Land of Enchantment at the National Buffalo Wing Festival during the Labor Day weekend in 2016. We’ve since wanted to try the red and green chile dry-rub wings. Because our senior dachshund (who’s got both diabetes and Cushing’s disease) needs a lot of care, we haven’t traveled much in the past two years, but hope to someday visit Forghedaboutit Pizza. Thanks for a great recommendation.
Help! I lost the e-mail about tomorrow evening’s FoG dinner, which my husband and i definitely want to attend. Please, can someone tell me when and where we should be? We are so looking forward to meeting y’all after learning so much from this blog.
Hi Mary
We’ll be meeting tomorrow evening at 7PM at Jinja Bar and Bistro (5400 Sevilla, N.W., just off Coors). We’re looking forward to meeting you, too.
Bob, yes indeed I have experimented with sous vide cooking. The premise is that you cook at the temperature you are looking to achieve and as long as you cook in the water bath the food will never go above or below the set temp.
I have cooked a standing rib roast, a pork roast, and a whole chicken. For the sake of our sense of sight , not taste, the meat should be browned and I’ve achieved the browning by high temps (450 degrees) in the conventional oven and also by using either a good old fashioned blow torch or a creme brûlée torch. Either method is up to the task. I’ve been told that it’s possible to bake a cake sous vide or even do a sunny side up egg, although it must take some practice.
You need what appears to be a giant immersion blender, a food saver and a pot large enough to accommodate both the bagged meat and the sous vide-er. The water is both heated to temp and swirled around the bagged meat.
The standing rib roast took about 9 hours, the pork roast less time and the chicken the least time.
Perhaps a green chile cheese dog ala the Dog House is on my to do list.
I’d be happy to let you try the sous vide method if you’d like to give it a whirl. Let me know.
Yo FGFABQ….great to read you are into new adventures-explorations! (Perhaps your S-i-L’s penchant for cooking enticed you.)
Thanks for the offer to “give-it-a-whirl”, but being lazy about limiting “home-cooking” to beans/franks or stirring some packaged Bernaise sauce for a BBQed filet once in a great while or cook up a “winter” artichoke, and having a (non-crisis but) challenge just come up in the interim to yank for my attention, I’ll pass on your generous offer. If I may, perhaps you might note a line or two for other readers re outcomes/taste of sous vide.
Alas, I know Gil focuses on restaurants and their food offerings, but is there is a bit of room occasionally for nuances/education being tolerated? E.g. I have a somewhat avian appetite which means I often “doggy-bag” a (pricey) ‘treat’ home, e.g. like a hearty piece of beef, from a place Gil recommended! Next day, do I just “mike-it”, which I presume would “cook it” more… even if at a de-powered setting?
Whoa…by chance, I ran across this which includes completely cooking a steak in…WT_?…. water!?!?! aka Sous-Vide!!! Pardon lest I missed anyone noting any restaurant around here even doing that, lest you’d probably want to be able to call it in ahead of time regarding its time of preparation! As such, if there is anyone else out there not-in-the-loop as I don’t recall anyone ever mentioning it!:
What is Sous-vide?: http://tinyurl.com/jnl8rkf
Reheating your Doggie-Bag delight: http://tinyurl.com/gllwjox
Cooking from scratch:http://tinyurl.com/jewkf9o
What’s needed: e.g. http://tinyurl.com/zz8k98k
If Y’all have been there/done that: Please describe!
Coincidentally our friend Bruce has been sharing with me his experiences of late with sous-vide. He’s mastering a culinary technique not often practiced around here.
Chef Marc Quiñones of Santa Fe’s Inn and Spa at Loretto used to employ the technique when he oversaw Bien Shur‘s fine-dining operation. Chef Quiñones, by the way, will be competing this Sunday (January 16th) in an episode of Cutthroat Kitchen. Downton Abbey fans can record and watch it later.
Gil: That was it!!