Comments on: Level 5 Rooftop Restaurant – Albuquerque, New Mexico Follow the Culinary Ruminations of New Mexico's Sesquipedalian Sybarite. 1,434 Restaurant Reviews, More Than 14,400 Visitor Comments...And Counting! Tue, 07 May 2024 16:00:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gil Garduno Tue, 07 May 2024 16:00:04 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

More than anyone you’ll probably ever meet, I will defend your right to express your opinion even if I don’t agree with it. Contemporary culture is at the point where freedom of speech applies only to ideologues of specific political affiliations (both conservatives and liberals are guilty of this). It’s not enough for the “other side” to disagree with that right, they seek to deprive contrarians of their right to speak. More often than not, it gets personal and very ugly.

I’d love to understand the genesis of your ageist comment:. Lumping everyone of an age or generation as hypocritical speaks much more about YOUR biases than it does old-timers like me.

In explaining that Marc is a prayerful man, my point was that he’s a man of character, a godly man. It’s been my experience that men and women who are prayerful tend to be far too honest to engage in the duplicitous practices of which you accuse him. Like Marc, I will never denounce my Christianity with the understanding that I’m far from perfect…a work in progress.

By the way, Marc would never ask me to “defend him.” He understands that the only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing….be nothing. He’s not only a great chef, but a great man.

Insofar as Marc not having “collected many accolades recently with several losses on food network,” you might want to read a very recent article on Travel & Leisure ( on Hotel Chaco and its stellar chef. The feature might help you better understand more what “contemporary New Mexican ranch cuisine” is. One caution, however: the article’s writer says nice things about Marc. Obviously she is (like me) a hypocrite from a generation of liars.

Available in newsstands now is the latest edition of Albuquerque The Magazine which bestowed a “Hot Plate” award to Marc. Characteristic of Marc’s leadership, Marc shared credit with his team: “This is just another testament to the incredible job that my team does day in and day out. I am very grateful and privileged to have so much talent around me!” Gee, I wonder if Albuquerque The Magazine has also been infiltrated by hypocrites and liars.

I have NEVER prevented discourse on this blog. I welcome it. I would prefer that personal attacks be directed at me not at chefs doing their very best to wow New Mexico diners with great food. Should you comment about a chef, please limit it to comments about the food, NOT baseless accusations with no merit.

By: Lynn G Tue, 07 May 2024 06:53:38 +0000 In reply to Rebecca.

I’m fairly confident that “Rebecca” is a pseudonym masking your cowardice in spewing unsubstantiated “facts” about Chef Quiñones and by association, Gil. Your first critique was almost laughable in its repetitive criticism, the writing illustrating the grammatical understanding of an elementary school pupil. It is true that forums such as this blog provide opportunity for individuals to express their opinions. What I think you have failed to grasp, however, is though everyone is entitled to their own opinions, they are not entitled to their own truth.

Gil addressed your first critique adequately, I think, speaking to each of your arguments in turn. I don’t know Chef Marc. I have never dined at any of the restaurants where he was in the kitchen in any capacity. I cannot deny being a friend of Gil’s, but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything he says without question. Your second critique was, in my opinion, no longer laughable. It was just insulting and unfair.

I believe that you and I actually agree on a way to put this into perspective for all of the readers out there: the dictionary! Yes; that will be enlightening. Let’s begin.

Vitriolic is defined as “having or expressing strong and unpleasantly negative feelings.” Certainly a lot of those were stated. Libelous is defined as “defamatory…referring to something that causes harm to someone’s reputation especially with malice or disregard.” The best example I can find is when you accuse Chef Quiñones of “(at previous employment locations) sniffing around the new chefs.” Sounds like some malice there.

One phrase was not found in the dictionary: “peeper hearted.” Apparently there is a type of frog called the Spring Peeper. The AI-generated search results go on to say that “In terms of being ‘peeper hearted’, it’s not a common phrase, but it could be interpreted as having a strong connection to the natural world, particularly the forest and its inhabitants.” That’s not such a bad thing. If that is the worst that can be said of Gil, well, I think this disagreement can be safely laid to rest. We all need to visit Level 5 and let our taste buds decide what is fact and what fiction.

By: Rebecca Mon, 06 May 2024 23:39:14 +0000 In reply to Gil Garduno.

Every one has the space to have their own opinions right? Like your expressing yours now? Vitriolic and libelous? Might want to check the dictionary. Interesting how peeper hearted you got. Marc can’t defend himself? Nice big words and trying to tie legalities in though.

We can agree to disagree on majority of what you responded with since your generation is big on that yet hypocritical when it suits yall!

Prayerful man? Why bring religion into a food review comment section. That alone is laughable.

Detractors also know a critics are crucial to one’s ability to grow. If Marc or you can’t stand the heat literally get out of the kitchen. This is why his food stays the same and gets old. He can’t accept critique or feedback and has people like you also preventing opportunities for him to grow from feedback.

Congratulations on growing up on a ranch lol. Mark hasn’t collected many accolades recently with several losses on food network.

But you know everything so keep on doing you Gil! Good job on your projecting your own vitriolic opinions.

Let’s see if you post this or allow your biases and inability to allow for discourse to lead you otherwise further bolstering that vitriolic big word.
