Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs – Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Alicea’s in Rio Rancho for Outstanding Sandwiches and Bagels

Imagine a world without sandwiches! That daunting premise would make a pretty fatalistic post-apocalyptic movie in which Dystopian societies exist in a nightmare of deprivation, hopelessness, terror and processed food rations (Soylent Green anyone?). No sandwiches–it’s just too incomprehensible to imagine, especially considering everywhere you turn there’s another Subway. Frankly, my own post-apocalyptic nightmare would be a world in which Subway and other restaurants of that ilk are the only option for sandwiches. Like the indestructible roach, chain restaurants would survive even a nuclear cataclysm.

Alas, my personal post-apocalyptic hell is closer to reality than you might suspect. CHD Expert, the worldwide leader in collecting, managing and analyzing food service industry data reports that the sacrosanct sandwich, one of America’s iconic foods, is dominated by chains. It’s not even close. A bleak analysis indicates chains account for 90.4 percent of the sandwich market landscape while independent sandwich restaurants represent only 9.6 percent. That type of dominance hasn’t been experienced since Mike Locksley coached the UNM Lobo football team.

The Counter Where You Place Your Order

CHD Expert’s analysis reveals that Subway is the “largest chain restaurant in America in terms of number of locations with over 26,000 units.” Beyond the fruited plain there are over 10,000 Subway restaurants operating in more than 100 countries. Subway ranks behind only McDonald’s (18,710) and KFC (11,798) among the ten most prolific fast food chains in the world. Lest you fall for Subway’s Madison Avenue propaganda about its healthful menu, in 2010 the sandwich behemoth earned a rather dubious honor (is it any wonder I fear the white and yellow logo).

Knowing all of these facts, perhaps the premise with which I began this essay should be rewritten to “imagine a world without independent sandwich restaurants.” Let’s make it even easier to imagine by limiting that premise to sandwich restaurants specializing in subs. At the risk of sounding gloomy, that world may soon be here…at least in the Duke City. Think about it. How many independent, mom-and-pop sub sandwich restaurants can you name in the Duke City area? There aren’t many, folks.

The Only Sandwich on the Premises That Isn’t Delicious–a Neoprene Sub

When a new, independent, mom-and-pop sub sandwich restaurant opens its doors, it’s an event warranting a celebration. Heck, when you pass by an independent mom-and-pop sandwich shop, a snappy salute should immediately be followed by a U-turn and visit. April, 2011 saw the launch of L.A. Subs in a nondescript strip shopping center on Golf Course Road in Rio Rancho. The initials L.A. didn’t represent the City of Angels, but rather the first names of owner Linda (L) Lorens-Martin and her mother Ann (A). It wasn’t easily visible from the street and only simple signage told you it existed.

Despite its obfuscated location and virtually no advertising, L.A. Subs acquired a pretty significant and loyal clientele. It wasn’t even listed on Urbanspoon until months had elapsed after its opening. Visitors learned about it solely through word of mouth from satisfied customers. You got the impression that’s the way Linda wanted it. Her menu, scrawled by marker on a white board, was hardly a compendium of every sub sandwich and side conceivable, listing only a handful of subs, sandwiches and salads. Specials of the day were listed on a smaller white board behind the counter at which you place your order. Suspended behind that counter is a gigantic neoprene sub sandwich, a depiction so accurate it may make your mouth water.

Steak and Cheese Sub

Two years later, word on the street was of a merger between L.A. Subs and a newcomer named Alicea’s N.Y. Bagels, a bi-coastal sounding operation if ever there was one. In addition to the subs with which City of Vision residents had fallen in love, they could now get fresh, New York-style bagels (and isn’t Rio Rancho often referred to as “Little New York?”) and fresh coffee. Today, external signage reads only “Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs.” The space next door to the 1,200 square-foot sub restaurant is where hundreds of bagels are made daily.

Alicea is Frenchy Alicea, a Connecticut native who relocated to Rio Rancho with Hewlett-Packard (HP). Although HP offered to move Frenchy to its operations in Georgia, he had already established roots in the Rio Rancho community and decided to stay. Besides, he wanted to transition out of his engineering career into a culinary career and in his spare time had already been working with Linda at L.A. Subs.  It was a career move for which sandwich aficionados are grateful.

Italian (ham, salami, roast beef and cheese)
Italian (ham, salami, roast beef and cheese)

If there’s one part of the country that knows subs, it’s the East Coast. You can find phenomenal subs from Maine to Delaware. Independent mom-and-pop sub sandwich shops rule the East Coast. Rio Rancho’s New York transplants echo similar sentiment about bagels, arguing that a good bagel can’t be found west of the Hudson River.  Subs are available in two sizes: large and small. A small sub at Alicea’s is as large as a large sub at the aforementioned chain. A large sub easily exceeds a foot. Unless otherwise specified they’re made with lettuce, onions, tomatoes, pickles, peppers, cheese and Italian dressing. They’re also accompanied by thick kettle chips and a single pickle spear.

On paper, some of the subs are hold-overs from the L.A. Subs days, but you’ll quickly discover they’re “real” subs, the way they’re made on the East Coast. They’re bulging behemoths bursting with meats and cheeses. Oh, and the meats aren’t pre-measured and extricated from hermetically sealed plastic. The bread–baked to Frenchy’s exacting specifications–is soft and chewy, the perfect canvas for piling on high quality ingredients.  Seriously, this is great sandwich bread.


18 August 2014: During my inaugural visit since the transition to Alicea’s, the sub calling loudest was a meatball parm sub. You know it’s an East Coast sandwich if it’s called a “meatball parm” sub. Everywhere else it’s just a “meatball sub.” The “parm” is “alla Parmigiana,” because of the cheese. Alicea’s doubles your fromage fantasy by also adding Provolone. The cheese is molten, melted deliciousness which blankets the meaty (no adjective better describes them) meatballs. The meatballs are large orbs and each sub half is loaded with them. They’re covered in a superbly seasoned sauce, the type of which East Coast Italian restaurants excel.

18 August 2014: In New England the steak and cheese sub is practically a religion. No doubt Bostonians were up in arms when Subway introduced their version, an ostensibly flavorless (speculation here; I won’t actually try one) calorific overachiever. Though there are similarities, steak and cheese subs should not be mistaken with Philly Cheesesteak subs. At Alicea’s, the steak and cheese sub is crafted from good quality steak cut painfully thin, glistening sweet fried onions, soft melting cheese and a soft, chewy sub roll. It’s an excellent sandwich sure to be loved by expatriate New Englanders.

Smokey Pig

26 September 2014: On September 16, 2014, Alicea’s added a “Real Philly Cheese Steak & Cheese” to the daily menu with a Facebook announcement indicating “Don‘t settle for any of the cheap fake wannabes in town get a real one!” That’s a rather audacious claim considering the metropolitan Duke City area has several purveyors of excellent Phillys. Alicea’s rendition is the closest to the version invented in 1931 by Pat Oliveri in the City of Brotherly Love. Thinly sliced sautéed ribeye beef, slivers of fresh green pepper and lots of gooey melted cheese make it Philadelphia-like. Green chile gives it that New Mexico touch. The ultra-rich molten cheese makes the sandwich so rich you may not be able to finish it in one sitting.  

19 February 2021: In season five of HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Larry David’s favorite deli names a sandwich in his honor.  Predictably the honor didn’t sit well with Larry because he wasn’t a fan of its contents: smoked sable, whitefish salad, cream cheese, onions and capers.  “I’m not really a big fish guy, to tell you the truth.  I’m more of a pastrami-corned beef kind of guy,” he argues.  Me, too.  Larry David would have appreciated Alicea’s Reuben (pastrami, Swiss, sauerkraut, thousand island on marble rye) though because of his contrarian nature, he probably would have complained that it’s too big.  This is one heft reuben.  Constructed like a Big Mac with a slice of marble rye in the middle, it’s got more pastrami than Subway might put in three sandwiches.  Though I prefer my pastrami in thin shards, Alicea’s thicker cuts proved very satisfying with smoky, well-seasoned notes.

Green Chile Bagel with Green Chile Schmear

19 February 2021:  The nine subs on the “Signature Subs” menu offer a choice of “small” or a fourteen-inch “big boy.”  A big boy is a two meal behemoth generously endowed with ingredients.  My Kim loves the aptly named The Smokey Pig (pulled pork, bacon, Provolone, mayo, onions, lettuce, tomato, Italian dressing) sans lettuce and tomato.  What makes it aptly named is that the addictive flavor of pulled pork isn’t obfuscated by some vinegary or sweet barbecue sauce.  Instead every bite rewards you with lightly smoked shards of porcine perfection.  Briny, crunchy dill pickles provide a nice contrast while the melted Provolone imbues the sub with a mild nutty flavor.

26 September 2014: It became a running joke among the Intel cafeteria staff when my friend Bill had his daily breakfast of a bagel and green chile schmear. He may as well have used a trowel or shovel to pile on the schmear. If you didn’t get to the schmear before he did, there might not be any left. Bill enjoyed the green chile schmear, preferably on a green chile bagel, at Alicea’s. The bagel is soft and chewy with flecks of nicely roasted green chile punctuating it throughout. Similarly, the rich cream cheese is imbued with the piquant greatness of New Mexico green chile. Can there be any better combination than a green chile bagel with green chile schmear?

Two Plain Bagels, one Everything Bagel and One Green Chile Bagel

19 February 2021: Every morning while most of us are in enjoying blissful slumber, Frenchy is on his way to Santa Fe to deliver bagels.  Denizens of the capital city aren’t the only people besotted with his bagels.  Some of his most faithful bagel buying customers are of the Jewish persuasion, many originally from the East Coast where Frenchy learned how to boil then bake bagels in  the time-honored traditional manner.  It’s an art and science he’s got down pat.  Each bagel is dense and chewy, a perfect canvas for schmear or butter.  They’re a big larger than most bagels but only Larry David would complain about that.  

In December, 2017, Delish published its list of the 50 best bagel shops in America and its choice for New Mexico was my choice, too. Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs in Rio Rancho not only knows its way around bagels, its subs are superb.

The bleak post-apocalyptic scenario I posed in which there are no independent mom-and-pop sub sandwich shops will hopefully never come to pass. This can best be assured by supporting local gems such as Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs in Rio Rancho.

Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs
1009 Golf Course Road
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
(505) 896-4455
Facebook Page | Website
LATEST VISIT: 19 February 2021
1st VISIT: 4 August 2011
COST: $ – $$
BEST BET: Meatball Parm Sub, Steak and Cheese Sub, Italian Sub, Green Chile Bagel with Green Chile Schmear, Garlic Bagel, Plain Bagel, Everything Bagel, Smokey Pig Sub, Reuben

18 thoughts on “Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs – Rio Rancho, New Mexico

  1. Indiana Jones searches for the Ark of Covenant and I search for the Ark of Bagel in ABQ. Gil, how would you compare and contrast Ruthie’s with Einstein’s bagels?

    1. It probably wouldn’t surprise you to learn I won’t visit Einstein’s (something about it being a national chain). When in the mood for bagels, you need not go any further than Rio Rancho where Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs has been provisioning us for years with behemoth bagels far superior to any you’ll find at any chain bagelry. In December, 2017, Delish published its list of the 50 best bagel shops in America and its choice for New Mexico was my choice, too–Alicea’s NY Bagels & Subs in Rio Rancho. Alicea’s not only knows its way around bagels, its subs are superb.

      1. Alicea’s is closed on Sat. and Sun.? Can one order a dozen bagels to go? How would you compare and contrast Alicea’s with Ruthie’s?

        1. Alicea’s menu indicates you can order a “box of bagels” with or without a coffee tote and cream cheese. If you don’t order in advance you might find the bagels you want have sold out though Alicea’s offers such variety that you’re undoubtedly going to find bagels to love.

          Alicea’s bagels are somewhat larger than Ruthie’s and are probably a bit more dense. Neither bagel requires toasting to be delicious. Both are exceptional–and not just exceptional for New Mexico. They’d hold their own in (dare I say) NYC. For those of us living in Rio Rancho, Corrales, Placitas and in Albuquerque’s west side, Alicea’s is a better choice by virtue of proximity, but otherwise you can’t go wrong with either.

          1. Thanks. How many in a box? If you know the owner at Alicea’s tell them to work on their website. Scant information and lame interface.

            1. Alas, I have no idea what constitutes a box of bagels. We typically order four at a time.

              You’ll enjoy meeting Frenchy Alicea. He’s a very bright and genial entrepreneurial guy with very high standards for bagels and subs.

              1. But does he know the location of the Well of the Souls within which lies the Ark of Bagels?

            2. Thomas,
              Thanks for the input. Honestly my efforts have mostly gone towards building out my commercial kitchen, building up my purchases of raw materials in mega bulk and making sure my customers are taken care of as opposed to focusing on the website. I will be making an effort to getting someone to develop the website professionally, but with the pandemic and restrictions imposed by the state, I have to be VERY mindful where every hard earned dollar is used. As I mentioned to Gail (on her comment posted) my unofficial new hours as of this week is as of 7a.m. This week was a trial run to make sure it’ll be realistically doable and so far so good. So we look forward to serving up our goodies to the early birds daily!! The website is more and more becoming a priority, we’ll be announcing its much awaited update on our FB page once that step is taken. Hope to see ya soon!!

        2. Thomas we’re open mon-sat, i need to try and rest up at least 1 day LOL, or at least until we can ensure great new hires with awesome customer service skills to take care of our amazing customers. Its not just about getting heads on the door, its all about ensuring their bagels, subs and or desserts are on point along with the service they receive. Our new opening hours as of this Monday is 7a.m. I definitely look forward to serving you hopefully soon!

      2. My husband just stopped in to order and they weren’t open . 11 on a Wednesday. I just called the number and no answer. I live about 5 minutes away and just read this article . Disappointed. I was looking for a good sub place and my husband is from Cleveland and looking for a local made good bagel place .

        1. Hi Gail,
          My apologies that was your experience, March 4th just happens to be my birthday and yes I was running behind on “my day” opening up. As of this week we actually started opening at 7a.m. for the early bagel enthusiasts because we were fortunate enough to welcome Jessica Cruz to “the fam” and her help has been a God send!!! So now my bagels can be delivered to Santa Fe daily while Ill be here at 7a.m. awaiting your visit. You wont be disappointed, and again my apologies (I actually still went in to work on my bday) but my customers are worth the sacrifice.

  2. Ahh, to be the immediate reviewer after Bob of the Village of Los Rancho is an Extreme Pleasure; he blazing the trail to L.A. Was joined by sensei Gil and friend Beeeal. So, I had a Steak and Cheese sub on whole wheat and I have to say it was very good. Was a lot of meat and the roll was fresh and large. It was topped with lettuce, pickles, banana peppers, and a host of other things with a side of chips and a pickle. The only thing I would say is to add more provolone cheese; it was good but hard to find with all the meat;we must bring the meat to cheese ratio a lot closer to 1. Those who I believe own it were very nice and personable and I hope they do well…Oh, got to watch my sensei Gil eat bread pudding; stole a bite and realized it would be worth having one on my own.

  3. Things LA: Lest Senor Plata has not done it, he can Google variants of ‘long gone restaurants in LA/SoCal’, e.g., to reminisce about great place of olde days (Scandia’s, Don the Beachcomber’s, Dino’s (Martin) Lodge, Perino’s, The Stuffed Shirt (Newport Beach), albeit as he’s never noted references to Woody’s Smorgasburger, he is probably too young to know (m)any of them! Sad and LOL.

    Whoa! I’m having an Epiphany? With so many great ‘dining’ places gone, might there be a drawback to Mom n Pop’s places not becoming at least a couple of links as their own ‘chain’???!!!

    My personal suggestion re, at least casual, “LA”, lest I’ve not made it before, is a bunch of Chompers gather up at the ABQ Transportation Center to get on board Amtrak at 4:45 pm with ‘disposable’ coolers containing samples of exotic Yum Yum to share and “beverages”, to be ‘whisked” off to LA while enjoying conversation and a bit of western NM scenary before dark. Lo, we then arrive at 8:15 AM at the iconic, downtown Union Station (in the shadow of the Daily Planet! in time, after picking up our rented van/SUV for the day, to make it over to the venerable Pantry for breakfast!

    Between ‘courses’ (i.e. breakfast & dinner) we venture to some agreed upon “close by/quickie” adventures, e.g. the what’s-it’s-name museum in Pasadena you always see during the Rose Parade or the Huntington Library in neighboring San Marino for views of its “grounds” along with pages of the Gutenberg Bible, Gainsborough’s “Blue Boy”, and Lawrence’s “Pinkie”. Or, till lunch, we could sit as Gentlepersons-of-the-Times in Pershing Square in downtown and feed pigeons some exotic peanuts or to the ducks at MacArthur Park up on Wilshire Blvd while humming the music of the same name! Lunch…probably best after the noon ‘workers’ rush…while I’m going to have French Dips for both lunch and dinner at Philippe’s…my ‘hidden agenda’ reason for such a trip…some may want to explore Olvera St. right next door for lunch to do comparisons of its Mexican vs our New Mexican cuisines or, “cruise” through ‘South-Central’ right next door for same.

    Why Philippe’s? 1) Its survived or should we say…apparently prospered….for just over 100 years and 2) as the birthplace of The French Dip Sandwich in a relatively unique setting!!! Also, way back when, Philippe’s (along with Taix and Rand’s Roundup (a first all-you-can-eat venture?) provided me a “nutritious”…on the cheap ‘meal’… when the frat kitchen was closed on the weekends. Next best option were the bestest of greasiest hamburgers n fries at OJ’s (Orange Julius) hole-in-the-walls. (Hey, speaking of which, a closeby sightseeing option is a walking tour of USC to see these oft seen backdrops for commercials and movies or (where you can see Tommy Trojan off to the left). LOL.

    Really, check out Philippe’s here: (Note: cash only) If nothing else, when anyone takes their kids/G-kids to Disneyland etc. next time.
    Alas, from Philippe’s, we walk right back across the street to Union Station to board our train home at 6:15pm (arrive 11ish am) with a, hopefully, sated Senor Plata and com(p)adres.

  4. I just put L.A. Subs on Urbanspoon. Vote ’em up.

    Bread pudding? Did I hear bread pudding? I’ll surely try it as soon as I move to the next phase of my diet (28 lbs so far; 12 more to go).

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